Episode Synopsis "#6: Christopher Webber - Media Goblin"
Listen "#6: Christopher Webber - Media Goblin"
More episodes of the podcast Redecentralize interviews
- #23: Pablo Ojanguren - SwellRT
- #22: Juan Benet - IPFS
- #21: Sam Patterson - OpenBazaar
- #20: Luis Molina - Fermat
- #19: Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn - Tahoe-LAFS
- #18: Gavin Wood - Ethereum
- #17: Kenton Varda - Sandstorm
- #16: Sally Carson - Pinoccio
- #15: David Irvine - MaidSafe
- #14: Aral Balkan - Indie Phone
- #13: Richard Bartlett - Loomio
- #12: Michiel de Jong - Unhosted
- #11: Benjamin André - Cozy Cloud
- #10: Daniel Silverstone - gfshare
- #9: Daniel Siders - Tent
- #8: Bjarni Einarsson - Mailpile
- #7: Jeremie Miller - TeleHash
- #6: Christopher Webber - Media Goblin
- #5: Jacob Cook - arkOS
- #4: Paul Gardner-Stephen - Serval Project
- #3: Tony Arcieri - Cryptosphere
- #2: Adam Ierymenko - ZeroTier One
- #1: Nicholas Tollervey - Drogulus