Episode Synopsis "The first step :- The tale doesn't end here Ep:- 57"
The real struggle starts after taking that first move
Listen "The first step :- The tale doesn't end here Ep:- 57"
More episodes of the podcast Real Life Talks With Mr. Sharma
- Lies Society tells you Ep:- 70
- Difference between Arrogance and Manner - Support the youth instead of degrading. Ep:- 69
- Excuses Ep:- 68
- Everyone had seen Failure Ep:- 67
- The only golden advice you need to hear Ep:- 66
- One Day Ep:- 65
- Two India Seriously ? Do you dare to share this Ep:- 64
- Stop your lame excuses Ep:- 63
- We humans are hard to understand Ep:- 62
- From Tomorrow Ep:- 61
- Middle class Ep: 60
- The Perfect Partner Ep :- 59
- You're your own responsibility Ep:- 58
- The first step :- The tale doesn't end here Ep:- 57
- Why relationships around you is getting broken Ep:- 56
- I Know she wants me Ep:- 55
- Be yourself :- The biggest lie Ep:- 54
- Herd mentality Ep:- 53
- The last goodbye Ep:- 52
- We're not made for social media Ep :- 51
- Happy Parent's Day Ep :- 50
- Today is the day Ep: 49
- Everyone matters but not everyone Ep:- 48
- This is why relationships fails Ep:- 47
- Never say never Ep:- 46
- Peoples Ep :- 45
- Stop explaining yourself Ep :- 44
- Believing and Expecting are two different things Ep:- 43
- Overnight success is not overnight Ep: 42
- Planning vs execution :- It's all about how badly you want Ep:- 41
- That's where you win Ep:- 40
- This is why you don't succeed Ep :- 39
- Same side attracts Ep :- 38
- You don't know how to compare Ep:- 37
- Start saying No Ep:- 36
- Life is beautiful Ep :- 35
- Karma is not what you think Ep:- 34
- We judge what we see Ep:- 33
- Fomo (Fear of missing out) Ep :- 32
- When you feel like quiting Ep :- 31
- Announce now Work later - A secret to double your productivity Ep :- 30
- The judgemental society vs A girl Ep:- 29
- Never take someone help to get out of your past Ep:- 28
- This is my last episode
- Universe plan is bigger than yours Ep:- 26
- Happy Father's Day Ep:- 25
- Learn the difference between Ego and Self respect Ep: 24
- Heartbreaks are Important Ep:- 23
- Trends make you dumb Ep:- 22
- Don't chase perfection Ep :- 21
- Productivity Hack Ep:- 20
- Job - A slavery ? Ep :- 19
- Time is not the measure for love Ep:- 18
- You're not in love Ep :- 17
- Men are not what you think Ep :- 16
- Why you need to let go Ep:- 15
- Everything in excess looses it's value Ep :- 14
- Realise your Worth Ep : 13
- There's nothing like a perfect time Ep :- 12
- Quiting job to become millionaire Ep: 11
- Everything thing has a time period Ep:- 10
- My Honest Failure Story Ep : 09
- Struggles of girls during there entrepreneur journey.
- Don't let the same thing break you twice.
- Are you in Relationship ?
- Don't listen to your parents ?
- Why you need motivation to work ?
- Pandemic Special Episode
- Boy's don't support Boys
- Real life talks and problems of our day to day life.