Episode Synopsis "Tammi Ebenhoeh: Live a little"
Tammi, lives with love in her heart, puts her family first, she treats her clients like family, what is amazing is the amount of care she has for the people she talks about, her family and her up and downs; tammi loves Dave Ramsey and practices living the life you can afford. look at here reviews below: Click herehttps://www.google.com/search?q=tammie+ebenhoeh+reinhart&oq=tammie+ebenhoeh+reinhart&aqs=chrome..69i57.4255j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Tammi Ebenhoeh GRI, CRS, EPRO, ELP, LISTING AGENT, BUYERS AGENT, RELOCATION SPECIALIST Direct: 734.669.5910 Mobile: 734.276.4663 [email protected] Financing: www.GInielfinancial.com 248.508.6855 need a better lender, choose us!