Episode 8. Wednesdays Are Green / First Three Words

Episode 8. Wednesdays Are Green / First Three Words

Read Write Review

03/12/2021 11:00AM

Episode Synopsis "Episode 8. Wednesdays Are Green / First Three Words"

In this episode, I read my story, "Wednesdays Are Green," published at Coffee House Writers on November 22, 2021.  My prompt this week is: Open up the first e-mail you received today and read the first three words. Write (or make) something based off the first three words that has nothing to do with the rest of the message.  My review/recommendation: The podcast LeVar Burton Reads. Fantastic amazing, of course.  Find me at erinlunde.com, on Twitter @erinhadelunde and on Instagram @erinhlunde. Support me on Patreon and Ko-fi. Happy December.

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