Seminar Introduction - Relationships between dialogue and children's self regulation

Seminar Introduction - Relationships between dialogue and children's self regulation

Random media from the Faculty of Education

19/09/2016 4:34PM

Episode Synopsis "Seminar Introduction - Relationships between dialogue and children's self regulation"

In this seminar five academics from the the Faculty of Education at Cambridge and the School of Psychology at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile will present empirical evidence about relationships between dialogue and self-regulation. In particular, they will present research on interactions between teachers and students as well as among students to illuminate to some degree questions such as what are specific elements of dialogue that promote self-regulation, and alternatively what are the non dialogic elements promoting it. Methodological and theoretical points will be also discussed to advance the general distinction/similarities between dialogue and social dimensions of regulation such as shared and co-regulation. Filmed in July 2016

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