Appalachian Trail Thru Hiker Advice from Thru Hikers Part 2

Appalachian Trail Thru Hiker Advice from Thru Hikers Part 2

Ramdino Hiking and The Appalachian Trail

21/12/2020 11:00AM

Episode Synopsis "Appalachian Trail Thru Hiker Advice from Thru Hikers Part 2"

In this episode we hear from experienced thru hikers who completed all of the Appalachian Trail in one calendar year to become a thru hiker. They offer advice that they learned on their hike for other thru hikers and section hikers. Each are very different in their advice even though they walked the same trail. Each hikers experience is unique for them. In true hiker community fashion they are more than welcome to help any and all hikers and offer their contact info so that you can reach out for any further advice or questions you may have. Those links are included below in the show notes. This episode originally aired in  video on my  Youtube channel, Ramdino Roaming the Trails. Advice from thru hikers for thru hikers and section hikers Runa  IG YT Dirt Nap  IG  Monk  IG YT My contact information and other social media Youtube ; FB Page IG [email protected]

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