Ramadhan 2021 Itikaf Program talks by Shaykh Dr. Omar Hussaini in Tampa, Fl, USA. www.pureway.org for more talks, articles, and poetry by Shaykh Dr. Omar Hussaini.
Latest episodes of the podcast Ramadhan 2021 Purification of the Heart
- Disease #1- Miserliness
- Disease #1 Miserliness Part 2
- Disease #3- Bughd:Hiqd:Hatred
- Disease #4 Baghi:Zulm:Iniquity
- Disease #5 Haya Mazmun:Blameworthy Modesty
- Disease #6 Love of Dunya
- Disease #7 Hasad:Envy
- Disease #8-10 Love of Fame, Praise, and Attention
- Disease #11 Fantasizing
- Disease #12 Tatwil Al-Amal:Long Hopes
- Disease #13 Anxiety:Depression
- Disease #14 Too much hope and too much fear
- Disease #15 Fear of Poverty
- Disease #16 Hard-heartedness
- Disease #17 Superstition
- Disease #19 Riya
- Disease #18 Relying on other than Allah swt
- Disease #19 Riya
- Disease #20 Mukhtar and Fakhoor:Arrogance and Boasting
- Disease #21 Falsehood, Lying and Dishonesty
- Disease #22 Bad Opinion:Suspicion
- Disease #23 Anger
- Final Talk and Disease #24 Ghaflah:Heedlessness
- Sloth