Raising The Vibration with Sheena Metal

"Raising The Vibration" is about a global movement, created to make the Earth a kinder, gentler, more peaceful place, for everyone to live in. A positive alternative to your average political talk show, "Raising the Vibration" throws away left verses right and concentrates on darkness verses light...putting its focus on human beings who are striving to grow unity, amongst all of the creatures of the Earth and devoting their lives to being in service to the planet. From human rights activists, to animal advocates, to environmental experts, "Raising the Vibration" shines the spotlight on those who are continually asking, "What can I do to make the world a better place?". Join us: iamraisingthevibration.com facebook.com/raisingthevibrationradio twitter.com/iamraising instagram.com/iamraisingit Listen live Mondays 7pm (PST) on LA Talk Radio (latalkradio.com)

Raising The Vibration with Sheena Metal

Latest episodes of the podcast Raising The Vibration with Sheena Metal