3 Mindset shift that i am nurturing right now.

3 Mindset shift that i am nurturing right now.

Raire Womn. Podcast

29/03/2021 3:00PM

Episode Synopsis "3 Mindset shift that i am nurturing right now."

in today's podcast, I decide to challenge myself this week and release a podcast every single day, from Mon-Fri. This is just to help me get back into the creation mode because i have abundance of energy that wants to flow. So please enjoy this journey with me as i get my groove back but most importantly my self-reflection series. This podcast exist as a creative outlet for me to document my journey of building my brand at Raire Creative and hoping that my vulnerability, imperfections, wins and victories will inspire you to also build your brand. if you are an entrepreneur, who is on a personal growth journey and want to level up on wellness, mindfulness and your online business. Please consider subscribing and join the Raire Creative Community. _____________________________________________________________________ // ABOUT US This podcast take you through my own journey of building my business from ground up. i am sharing all the good and the struggles of being a creative entrepreneur - being brave enough to be a beginner, overcoming self-doubt, celebrating small wins and learning tons of lessons while i share information on how i embrace wellness, mindfulness and just the hassles of my creative journey with the hope to inspire you to build your own brand. i am currently based in the sunny South Africa. i am so happy that our paths have crossed. Thank you for stopping by. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // L E T 'S   C O N N E C T  INSTAGRAM: @rairecreative_WEBSITE: www.rairecreativess.com/  (Coming soon) PODCAST: Raire Creative Podcast Love, Lindie

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