Episode Synopsis "Radiosonic Commentary: Shalka p1"
aralias, x_los, vonquixote and vonquixote's girlfriend watch Scream of the Shalka and have thoughts out loud. Press play on video (see BBC website) and podcast at roughly the same time to follow along.
Listen "Radiosonic Commentary: Shalka p1"
More episodes of the podcast Radiosonic Podcasts
- Radiosonic Podcast 4: The Pros & Cons of Fannish Production
- Radiosonic Podcast: 3 (What's Up? Long Time No See)
- Radiosonic Commentary: Shalka p6
- Radiosonic Commentary: Shalka p5
- Radiosonic Commentary: Shalka p4
- Radiosonic Commentary: Shalka p3
- Radiosonic Commentary: Shalka p2
- Radiosonic Commentary: Shalka p1
- Radiosonic Podcast: 2.5 (Influences - the Gothic)
- Radiosonic Podcast: 2 (Writers + Influences)
- Radiosonic Podcast: 1 (Who We Are)