Parshas BeHa’aloschah – Finding Individuality within the Klal

Parshas BeHa’aloschah – Finding Individuality within the Klal

Rabbi Moshe Eisemann's Shiurim

11/06/2023 9:49PM

Episode Synopsis "Parshas BeHa’aloschah – Finding Individuality within the Klal"

The presence of the mitzvah of Pesach Sheini in Parshas Beha’aloscha opens up a wonderful opportunity for us to revisit the parsha of the Korban Pesach. We last encountered it back in Parshas Acharei Mos-Kedoshim. There we were acquainted with the unbelievable words of the Chizkuni who helped us translate the following very difficult pasuk…

Listen "Parshas BeHa’aloschah – Finding Individuality within the Klal"

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