Austen’s timeless romantic classic, follows the lives of the five Bennett sisters, who live in a time where an advantageous marriage and social status are considered a fundamental for any woman to stand a fair chance at life. Set at the turn of the 19th century, Pride and Prejudice catches a perfect glimpse not only of a time when women were socially and economically dependent solely on their marital status, but also as an age of enlightenment and witness of the French Revolution. This romantic novel with its hint of comic references begins with the famous quote "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife." This famous quotation sets the story into motion as the eligible Mr. Bingley is introduced as he rides into town. The quote also draws in and to some extent reveals the content of the plot to come. Soon the news of the arrival of the well off Charles Bingley finds its way to the ears of the Bennett household. Having five unmarried daughters, the Bennetts are eager to match them up with suitable spouse candidates and see them prosperously married. After attending a ball, Mr. Bingley is instantly attracted to the oldest Bennett daughter Jane and it is fair to say that the feeling is mutual. Such cannot be said about his close friend Mr. Darcy who rudely refuses to dance with the second Bennett daughter Elizabeth. Consequently, Elizabeth’s first prejudice is born as she labels Mr. Darcy arrogant and obnoxious; however, she later learns never to judge a book by its cover and must swallow up her pride to achieve happiness. Pride and Prejudice witnesses the exciting courtships of the Bennett sisters and their suitors, as well as the not so joyful relationships of other characters. As the novel develops the relationships between the characters must outweigh the forces seeking to tear them apart. Experience the adventures of the Bennett sisters as they face the troublesome issues of manners, social class, family, and marriages in a male reliant society. A story not only portraying the unreliable nature of pride and prejudice, Austen’s classic also paints a vivid image of the past and the woman as a member of society.
Latest episodes of the podcast Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
- 01 - Chapter 01
- 02 - Chapter 02
- 03 - Chapter 03
- 04 - Chapter 04
- 05 - Chapter 05
- 06 - Chapter 06
- 07 - Chapter 07
- 08 - Chapter 08
- 09 - Chapter 09
- 10 - Chapter 10
- 11 - Chapter 11
- 12 - Chapter 12
- 13 - Chapter 13
- 14 - Chapter 14
- 15 - Chapter 15
- 16 - Chapter 16
- 17 - Chapter 17
- 18 - Chapter 18
- 19 - Chapter 19
- 20 - Chapter 20
- 21 - Chapter 21
- 22 - Chapter 22
- 23 - Chapter 23
- 24 - Chapter 24
- 25 - Chapter 25
- 26 - Chapter 26
- 27 - Chapter 27
- 28 - Chapter 28
- 29 - Chapter 29
- 30 - Chapter 30
- 31 - Chapter 31
- 32 - Chapter 32
- 33 - Chapter 33
- 34 - Chapter 34
- 35 - Chapter 35
- 36 - Chapter 36
- 37 - Chapter 37
- 38 - Chapter 38
- 39 - Chapter 39
- 40 - Chapter 40
- 41 - Chapter 41
- 42 - Chapter 42
- 43 - Chapter 43
- 44 - Chapter 44
- 45 - Chapter 45
- 46 - Chapter 46
- 47 - Chapter 47
- 48 - Chapter 48
- 49 - Chapter 49
- 50 - Chapter 50
- 51 - Chapter 51
- 52 - Chapter 52
- 53 - Chapter 53
- 54 - Chapter 54
- 55 - Chapter 55
- 56 - Chapter 56
- 57 - Chapter 57
- 58 - Chapter 58
- 59 - Chapter 59
- 60 - Chapter 60
- 61 - Chapter 61