President Trump threatens to veto the pending funding legislation unless it includes $5 billion for the border wall, but why is begging for scraps?

0:00 - 0:20: Genesis 2:4-17. The verses reveal three necessary ingredients for Biblical Manhood. Marriage is ministry. Family is ministry. The priest of the home, the father, is the foundation of these ministries. 0:23 - 0:40: President Trump threatens to veto the pending funding legislation unless it includes $5 billion for the border wall, but why is begging for scraps? 0:43 - 0:60: Dylan Pontiff, a reader for “Drag Queen Story Hour,” reveals the true objective of the events. Callers weigh in.

President Trump threatens to veto the pending funding legislation unless it includes $5 billion for the border wall, but why is begging for scraps?

Latest episodes of the podcast President Trump threatens to veto the pending funding legislation unless it includes $5 billion for the border wall, but why is begging for scraps?