Faith Together
Latest episodes of the podcast Pinehurst United Methodist Church - Sermons
- The Altar
- Without Sin
- Her
- Light, Wind and the Blinded Windblown
- In Parenthesis
- Come and See
- In the Beginning
- John Leapt
- What, The, Should We Do?
- Cousin John Boy Again
- Awake and Alert
- Good Medicine
- They Pondered
- Our Refuge
- Vision
- Shameless and Foolish
- The Indescribable Gift
- Inside Out: Joy
- Inside Out: Envy
- Inside Out: Anxiety
- Inside Out: Fear
- Inside Out: Sadness
- Inside Out: Anger
- The Faith We Sing: Crown Him With Many Crowns
- The Faith We Sing: O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing
- The Faith We Sing: How Great Thou Art
- The Faith We Sing: I Want Jesus To Walk With Me
- The Faith We Sing: Be Thou My Vision
- The Faith We Sing: Here I Am, Lord
- The Faith We Sing: It Is Well
- The Faith We Sing: Amazing Grace
- The Dust Floats Upstream
- Preparing for Battle
- The Lion’s Den
- Not So Happy Hour
- The Fourth One
- Daniel: Prophet of Peril and Promise
- All of You’Uns
- What If?
- Joy in the Court
- Abide
- Truth and Action
- Little Children
- The Twin
- Mary
- Shouts
- Costly Discipleship: Take Up Your Cross
- Costly Discipleship: Wait…What?
- Costly Discipleship: Dinner Plans
- Costly Discipleship: One More Thing
- Costly Discipleship: Love Your Enemies
- We Go
- Raymond’s Psalm
- Trust
- The Inescapable God
- The Voice
- Resolute
- Rejoice!
- It Withers
- The Day
- You Asked For It: #5 How do you live every day knowing you will die?
- You Asked For It: #4 Why did Jesus rename some of the Apostles?
- You Asked for It: #3 What or Who Is the Holy Spirit?
- You Asked for It: #2 How Do We Raise Our Ebenezer?
- You Asked for It: #1 Innocent Suffering
- Potluck Supper
- The Greatest Gift
- The Man On The Mountain: Unashamed
- The Man On the Mountain: Pursuit vs. Pilgrimage
- The Man on the Mountain: Holiness and Rules
- The Man On The Mountain: People
- The Man On The Mountain: Bread From Heaven
- The Man On the Mountain: Fortunate Change of Fortune
- The Man On The Mountain: Some Strange Saving
- The Man on the Mountain: Curiosity
- The Man on the Mountain: Drawn Out
- The End of Words
- The Giver of All Good Things
- Do Not Judge
- Treasure, Treasure, Everywhere
- Pray Then…
- Why, O Why, Jesus?
- Love Your Enemies
- You
- Blessed
- Wind Talkers
- Graduation Day
- Do All the Good
- Peculiar Stones
- The Herding Lamb
- Escape to Emmaus
- What Thomas Doubted
- Terror & Amazement
- Relentless
- RePeat
- RePair
- ReMember
- ReFocus
- RePent
- World