Welcome to the Philosophy Exchange Podcast! In our general podcast you will hear our members talk about philosophical ideas and our experiences in academia, with new episodes published monthly. Additionally, we have two new podcast series, our PX interviews, where we interview people who have influenced our work, and a special series, PX on AI dedicated to Artificial Intelligence. We hope you enjoy listening to the podcast and make sure to check us out on Twitter @PhilXchange and on our website philosophyexchange.org to get to know more about the community!
Latest episodes of the podcast Philosophy Exchange Podcast
- PX - Utopian thinking and Political Philosophy
- PX - Philosophy of Psychiatry 3/3 - Jodie Russel
- PX - Philosophy of Psychiatry 2/3 - Nina de Boer
- PX - Philosophy of Psychiatry 1/3 - Bennett Knox
- PX - Science and Aesthetics with Alice Murphy
- PX - The Ethics of Executive Pay with Sandy Pepper
- PX - Normative Models: Their Limits, Points of Contention, and Questions for Further Research (Part 2)
- PX - Normative Models: Their Relevance and Core Philosophical Challenges (Part 1)
- PX on AI - Oxford's John Zerilli on Explainable AI
- PX - Buddhist Philosophy
- PX and PhD Research - Nicholas Makins: "Attitudinal Ambivalence: Moral Uncertainty for Non-Cognitivists"
- PX on AI - Edinburgh’s Shannon Vallor on AI and Society
- PX and PhD Research - Cecily Whitely: "Aphantasia, imagination and dreaming"
- PX Interviews - Jonathan Birch
- PX - How We Value Nature: Perspectives from Philosophy and Economics
- PX on AI - Cooperative AI with Ed Hughes of Google's DeepMind
- PX on AI - Virtue Theory
- PX and PhD Research - Walter Veit: "Model Diversity and the Embarrassment of the Riches"
- PX - Inference to the Best Explanation
- PX - What Philosophy can teach Economics and what Economics can teach Philosophy
- PX on AI - Values in Artificial Intelligence
- PX Interviews - Liam Kofi Bright
- PX - Philosophy in Fiction
- PX on AI - The Philosophical Backdrop of Artificial Intelligence
- PX - Analogies and Analogical Reasoning
- PX - 'Tis the Season...For Writing Essays
- PX - Thoughts on Thought Experiments