The newest sermons from One: 16 Bible Church OKC on SermonAudio.
Latest episodes of the podcast One: 16 Bible Church OKC
- The Sign of Jonah-The Greatest Light!
- No Neutrality!
- Our Strong Deliverer
- Teach Us To Pray-Persistence
- Teach Us To Pray-Our Daily Cleansing and Protection
- Hope For The Worst of Sinners
- His Indescribable Gift!
- Teach Us To Pray- Our Daily Needs
- Teach Us To Pray-God and Kingdom Focused
- Our Great Need-Teach Us To Pray
- Are You Sitting at His Feet? : The Key to the Christian Life
- The Greatest of Questions
- The Greatness of Our King!
- Similarities
- God's Kindness
- Reason to Rejoice
- Christ's Enlistment in the Battle For Souls
- To Truly Follow Christ
- The Local Church. Is Church Membership Biblical?
- A Ministry of Mercy!
- So You Want To Be Great?
- The Call to Pray, to Marvel, and to Believe
- Listen To Him!
- A True Christian
- Christ and Him Crucified!
- Has Your Soul Been Fed?
- First of All, Prayer
- The Prayer Life of the Believer
- The Barrenness of a Busy Life
- The Importance and Implications of Secret Prayer
- The Nature of Great Faith
- Rejoicing in Trials
- The Blessing of Deacons
- Learn A Lesson From Herod's Lust
- He Sends Us Out!
- The Value of Godly Parents
- Eternal Joy
- Are You Desperate?
- The LORD'S Purpose Will Stand
- Clothed and in Our Right Minds!
- I'm A Brand New Man
- What Manner of Man Is This?
- Church Member or Disciple of Jesus?
- Take Care How You Listen!
- True and False Conversions (Parable of Soils Pt 2)
- The Parable of the Soils (pt 1) Do You Have Ears to Hear?
- Do You Have Hope?
- The Mission and It's Provision
- Are Your Sins Forgiven?
- The Excuses of the Lost!
- How Privileged We Are!
- When Doubts Arise
- Arise, Dead Man!
- We Are Unworthy
- Are You A Pretender?
- Be Strong In The Lord
- What is the State of Your Heart?
- Do Not Judge!
- Sanctified By The Word
- Thankful For Christmas
- Love For Our Enemies
- The World's Pushback
- Do You Weep Now?
- Look and Be Saved!
- Hungering For God!
- The Beatitudes: Are You In The Kingdom?
- Are You Christ's Man? Christ's Woman?
- Our Merciful Lord of the Sabbath
- Tetelestai - It Is Finished
- The God of All Comfort
- The Heartbeat of Our Church: Part 2 The Main Thing!
- Our Plans and God's Direction
- Pt. 1 The Heartbeat of Our Church: Why One:16?
- The Gospel Stands Alone
- Jesus Saves the Worst
- Jesus Forgives Sins
- Have You Been Cleansed?
- Called to be Fishers of Men
- The Purpose of Christ's Ministry
- The Power of Jesus Over Demons
- God's Good Purpose for Your Life
- Deliverance From Darkness
- The Angel of The Lord
- Man's Hatred of Truth
- Christ's Ministry and Our Mission
- Victory Over Temptation
- The Purpose of Luke's Genealogy of Jesus
- Father of the Fatherless
- The Holy Trinity!
- We Need More Johns!
- Escaping the Wrath to Come
- Hebrew Israelites: (Pt 3) Their Beliefs (continued)
- Make Ready! (A Tribute to Rocky Brown)
- Honor Your Mother!
- Truly God and Truly Man
- Hebrew Israelites: (Pt 2) Their Beliefs
- Do You Long to be in Church?
- Hebrew Israelites: (Pt 1) History of the Movement
- Are You Following Christ?
- His Name is Jesus