Morsel Meditations With Mariah Faye

IMPORTANT BEFOREHAND!How to Achieve your Meditation to it’s fullest — take form in however you meditate, don’t sweat it! Experiment whether you sit cross-legged on a comfortable spot on the floor. (My style!) Or ease into Shavasana with your back spread along the floor or a support. However you do, remember — meditation pose is as personal as how you like your eggs in the morning! ;) WHAT WE’RE ALL ABOUT?Morsel meditations are a tiny spoon taste for the scoop of your mind to wander, just like at an ice cream parlor! These are morsel meditations — guided reflections in a pinch, for everyone! When it comes to creativity, modern day mavericks sweat over where to begin whether it’d be telling a story or working on a piece of art. Though there is a complete separate practice we can all get onboard with and that is to set our minds free.WHY THE SHORT MEDITATION?Imagine as though this quick tidbit is just the training wheels to your sparkly new cruiser bike — the cruiser bike being your mind! Training wheels can only take you so far, but take yourself back to that feeling when you first learn how to ride on your own? Now this time is completely up to you and sometimes with life it may take as long as you command before you press on the breaks. A great short mediation to get in is twenty minutes going by David Lynch’s rule.

Morsel Meditations With Mariah Faye

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