Midtown Fellowship is a PCA church located in Nashville, TN. Our mission is to create a movement of gospel transformation through multiple congregations. For more, visit midtownfellowship.org.
Latest episodes of the podcast Midtown Fellowship 12 South Sermons
- The Wisdom of Christ Crucified
- 2025 February YP Night
- God Who Gives Growth
- The Wisdom of Christ – WBE
- Everything While You Wait
- From Thought to Belief – WBE
- Treasured and Prized
- Kingdom Growing
- Kingdom Sowing – WBE
- Kingdom Sowing
- Joy in the Promised Land
- Love in the Grain Fields
- Peace In The Badlands
- Hope in the Wasteland
- A Woman Torn Apart
- Judges 19 (WBE)
- Samson Part 2
- Samson Part 1
- Gideon Part 2
- Celebration Sunday
- The Joy of Generosity
- Capital Campaign Week 5: The Joy of Generosity (10am @ WBE)
- To Reach A City
- Building A Home
- WBE: The Longing for Legacy
- The Longing for Legacy
- The Need
- WBE: The Need
- Gideon Part 1
- WBE: Gideon Part 1
- Vision: Living a Legacy
- Deborah and Barak (Jael)
- The Left-Handed Savior: The Story of Ehud
- The Unfaithfullness
- The Inheritance
- I Shall Dwell In The House Of God Forever
- Hot Pursuit
- My Cup Runneth Over
- You Anoint My Head With Oil
- The Table of Triumph
- The Rod and The Staff
- With My Shepherd: God’s Favorite Preposition
- He Leads Me In The Path Of Righteousness For His Name’s Sake
- With My Shepherd: Edenic Rest
- The Lord Is My Shepherd
- The Great Commission
- What Jesus Said
- Passover/The Last Supper
- The Rich Young Ruler
- May YP Event
- Expectations of the King: Peter’s Confusion
- The Parable of the Sower
- Rest For Your Souls
- Going On A Sheep Hunt
- Following the King: He Came for the Sick
- Easter Sunday
- Palm Sunday
- Conversing With The King
- Jesus and the Law: Matthew 5
- March YP Night
- Way of the King: Blessedness
- Way of the King: Temptation
- Origins: The Baptism of the King
- The King’s Birth
- February YP Night
- The King’s Resume
- Vision Series Part 4: I Lift My Eyes
- Vision Series Part 3
- Vision Series Part 2
- Vision Series Part 1
- A Light In The Dark
- The Call Of Mary
- Hard to Believe
- I Am Coming Soon
- The Paradise of Jesus (Part 3)
- The Paradise of Jesus
- November YP Night
- Hope To Carry On: Beatific Vision In Revelation
- Perpetrators Against Jesus, Part 2
- Perpetrators Against Jesus
- The Power/Punishment Of Jesus Part 2 (How Will Jesus Judge?)
- The Power/Punishment of Jesus pt. 1
- October YP Night
- The Praise Of Jesus Part 2
- The Praise of Jesus Part 1 (What Does Jesus Deserve?)
- The Paradox of Jesus Part 2 (How Did And How Does Jesus Win)
- The Paradox of Jesus Part 1
- September Young Professionals Gathering
- The Presence of Jesus (Where Does Jesus Work?) Part 1
- The Presence of Jesus (Where Does Jesus Work?)
- The Perspective of Jesus Part 2 (What does Jesus See)
- The Perspective of Jesus Part 1
- Persistence: A Lesson From A Widow
- Kingdom.Power.Glory
- Lead Us And Deliver Us
- Forgive Us Our Debts As We Forgive Our Debtors
- Dependence: Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
- Thy Will Be Done
- Hope: Thy Kingdom Come
- Holiness
- Basis: Our Father
- Word: Humility
- Battle: All the Reasons Not to Pray
- Teach Us To Pray
- The First Nation
- City of God & City of Man
- The First Covenant Sign
- The First Rainstorm
- Cain & Abel
- Easter Sunday
- Palm Sunday
- The First Gospel Sermon: The Promise of Jesus For All Who Were Born
- The First Failed Promises
- The First Wedding
- March Young Professionals Gathering
- The First Problem: Loneliness and the Loving Heart of God
- The First Place to Live: The Garden of Eden
- The First Day Off: Sabbath
- The First Job Description: Meaning and Vocation In A Brand New World
- The First Days: God’s Word and the Work of Creating
- The First And Only
- Generosity – Treasure
- Talent and The Body of Christ
- Generosity – Time
- Love
- Joy
- What Happens When I Die
- Lions and Lambs
- A River Runs To It: (Isa 2:1-5)
- Persevering Witness
- Conflict-Provoking Witness
- Areopagus
- Witness That Breaks Barriers
- Saul’s Conversion
- Witness Through Curiosity/ Hungry Heart
- Stoning of Stephen
- Witness Through Difference
- Ananias & Sapphira
- Communal Witness
- Bold Witnesses
- Kingdom Leaping
- Devoted Witnesses
- The Adventure of Acts
- Resurrection of Body and the Life Everlasting
- The Holy Catholic Church
- Holy Ghost
- King, Judge, Priest
- Rose Again from the Dead
- Who Suffered
- The God/Man
- Jesus Christ, His Only Son
- God The Father Almighty
- I Believe
- The Road to Emmaus
- Zacchaeus
- Jesus and Peter