Looking Back With Lynskey includes interviews with various notable Christopher Columbus High School faculty, staff and alums.Located in Miami, Florida, Christopher Columbus High School is a private, Roman Catholic, college-preparatory high school, conducted by the Marist Brothers of the Schools. We aim to make Jesus Christ known and loved, as we prepare young men for higher education and for their continuous challenge of harmonizing faith, culture and life. We foster a family spirit among all who are committed to the success of the school and promote opportunities to work together as a community of learners.
Latest episodes of the podcast Looking Back With Lynskey
- S6 - EP 11: Kenia Gonzalez - The Prom That Roared
- S6 - EP 10: Avian Guerra '04 - Master of the Pig Roast
- S6 - EP 9: Orlando Mendez - Cuban Roots, Country Soul
- S6 - EP8: Alfonso 'Flash' Fernandez '84 - One Name, Many Roles
- EP 100… and counting
- S6 - EP7: Alex Garabedian '04 - Hardball and Harmony
- Looking Back with Lynskey / Thanksgiving Edition: Carlos Nunez '94 - A Miracle Story
- S6 - EP6: Tony (’86) & Joaquin (’97) Gonzalez - Rolling Through Life
- S6 - EP5: Carlos Moro - A Second Chance
- S6 - EP4: Jeannette Gonzalez-Rojas - A Nurturing Heart
- S6 - EP3: Rick Pelegrin '98 - The English Coach
- S6 - EP2: Dr. Juan Vila '97 - The Good Doctor
- S6 - EP1: Cody McKeon '10 - The Family Business
- S5 - EP20: Br. Dan O'Riordan - Living the Marist Charism
- S5 - EP19: Jim Bernhardt - A Man of Community
- S5 - EP18: Jose Munoz '90 - The Cornerstone
- S5 - EP17: Coach Dukes - A Team Player
- S5 - EP16: Cody Morrissey - From Brooklyn to Westchester (Part 2)
- S5 - EP15: Cody Morrissey - From Brooklyn to Westchester (Part 1)
- S5 - EP14: Wency Ortega '88 - Counting His Blessings
- S5 - EP13: Mike Whittington '76 - A Different Path (Part 3)
- S5 - EP12: Mike Whittington '76 - A Different Path (Part 2)
- S5 - EP11: Mike Whittington '76 - A Different Path (Part 1)
- S5 - EP10: Teri Chomat - Making a Difference
- S5 - EP9: Keith Crossman - A Master of Words
- S5 - EP8: Maria Rams-Foyo - Explorer Perseverance & Gratitude
- S5 - EP7: Pedro Garcia-Casals - Dean of Duality (Part 2)
- S5 - EP6: Steven Pita '11 - The Next Generation
- S5 - EP5: Pedro Garcia-Casals - Dean of Duality (Part 1)
- S5 - EP4: Albert Tamayo '03 - The Journey Back
- S5 - EP3: Raul Rivero '84 - Advocate for Change
- S5 - EP2: Marcus Rivero '02 - A Colorful Sole
- S5 - EP1: Steve O'Brien ' 72 - The Gospel of Hope
- S4 - EP23: David Pugh - A Principal With Principle
- S4 - EP22: Life Lessons - The Back Story
- S4 - EP20: Alina Sanchez - A Class Act
- S4 - EP19: Thomas Kruczek & Nicholas Ramos - The Future
- S4 - EP18: Fred Panzer - The Legend
- S4 - EP17: Br. Kevin Handibode - The Man Behind the Shark
- S4 - EP16: Charlie Frazier - Hey Bub
- S4 - EP15: Danny Casals '15 - On Deck
- S4 - EP14: Mike Marinelli '03 - A Voice for all Seasons
- S4 - EP13: John Cunningham - The Man Behind the Myth
- S4 - EP12: Enrique Murciano '91 - All The World's A Stage
- S4 - EP11: Butch Staiano - A Man for All Seasons
- S4 - EP10: Albert Barthelemy '91 - Fred Foyo Remembered
- S4 - EP9: Pete Marti '02 - A Lay Marist
- S4 - EP8: Marcus Lemonis '91 & Mario Sueiras '91 - Friendship Defined
- S4 - EP7: Ana Fernandez - Attendance Queen
- S4 - EP6: Adam Scholer '81 - An Enigma Wrapped in a Mystery
- S4 - EP5: JB Aleman '84 - Columbus Connected
- S4 - EP4: Dave Dunn - Building a Winning Team
- S4 - EP3: Dr. E Carter Burrus '62 - Rumor Has It...
- S4 - EP2: Danny Areces '16 - Long May He Run
- S4 - EP1: David Pugh - A Marist Leader
- S3 - EP19: Mark Rodgers '77 - A Man for All Seasons
- S3 - EP18: Jon Jay '03 - Life Lessons from a Major Leaguer
- S3 - EP17: Abel Sanchez '90 - A Miami Historian
- S3 - EP16: Chris McKeon - A Winning Tradition
- S3 - EP15: Mick Maspons '81 - Attorney, Playwright, Explorer
- S3 - EP14: Dr. Shawn DeNight ‘81 - The Art of Teaching (P2)
- S3 - EP13: Josh Uche '16 - More Than a Football Player
- S3 - EP11: Tommy Anthony '82 - Playing With Santana
- S3 - EP12: Dr. Shawn DeNight ‘81- The Art of Teaching (P1)
- S3 - EP10: Andrew Moran - Hoop Dreams
- S3 - EP9: Thomas Kruczek - Marist Leadership
- S3 - EP8: Brian Regan - The Art of Comedy
- S3 - EP7: Adrian Alfonso - A Man of Service
- S3 - EP6: John Couriel - A Justice Supreme
- S3 - EP5: Alex Mirabal - A Man of Substance (P2)
- S3 - EP4: Dave Isenberg - The Unbreakable Man (P2)
- S3 - EP3: Dave Isenberg - The Unbreakable Man (P1)
- S3 - EP2: Paul Kumer - The Heir Apparent (P2)
- S3 - EP1: Paul Kumer - The Heir Apparent (P1)
- S2 - EP10: Dave Dunn & Bob Linfors with John Lynskey - Interviewing the Interviewer
- S2 - EP9: Javier Hermida - The Next Generation
- S2 - EP8: Estelle Vessiere - Vive la France
- S2 - EP7: Bob Linfors - A Renaissance Man (P2)
- S2 - EP6: Bob Linfors - A Renaissance Man (P1)
- S2 - EP5: Sylvie Galvez-Cuesta - More Than Mas
- S2 - EP4: Andrew Harriman - The Big Man
- S2 - EP3: Jerry Gonzalez - Serving Thankfully
- S2 - EP2: Eric Pino - Hellion
- S2 - EP1: Dr. Carter Burrus - The Perpetual Oak
- S1 - EP19: CCHS Football - Through the Years
- S1 - EP18: Joe Weber - A Web Gem
- S1 - EP17: Alex Trujillo - Relentless
- S1 - EP16: Melissa Marti - Social Media Master
- S1 - EP15: John Lynskey - My Life & Times
- S1 - EP14: Omar Delgado - Mr. CCNN
- S1 - EP13: Mike Cugno - Anchorman
- S1 - EP12: Oscar Benitez - Leader of 'The Nation'
- S1 - EP11: Br. Edmund Sheehan - The Venerable One
- S1 - EP10: Alex Mirabal - A Man of Substance (P1)
- S1 - EP9: Tom Kruczek - Mr. President
- S1 - EP8: The Incomparable Steve O'Brien (P2)
- S1 - EP7: Dave Dunn - That Championship Season
- S1 - EP6: David Pugh - A Leader's Leader
- S1 - EP5: Bob Linfors - A Grateful Man
- S1 - EP4: Keith Cooper - The Music Man
- S1 - EP3: Mike Marinelli - The Voice of the New Millennium
- S1 - EP2: The Incomparable Steve O'Brien
- S1 - EP1: Dr. E. Carter Burrus - The Early Years