Episode Synopsis "Episode 558: 4.21.24 - The Baptism of the Holy Spirit - Brandon Mitchell (Mansfield Campus)"
Listen "Episode 558: 4.21.24 - The Baptism of the Holy Spirit - Brandon Mitchell (Mansfield Campus)"
More episodes of the podcast Living Word Church Podcast
- Episode 592: 8.25.24 - Book Of Daniel - Pastor John Welch (Stonewall Campus)
- Episode 592: 8.25.24 - Book Of Daniel - Pastor Mikey Harwell (Many Campus)
- Episode 591: 8.18.24 - Book Of Daniel - Lance Rogers (Mansfield Campus)
- Episode 591: 8.18.24 - Book Of Daniel - Pastor Mikey Harwell (Many Campus)
- Episode 591: 8.18.24 - Book Of Daniel - Pastor Paul Floyd (Stonewall Campus)
- Episode 590: 8.11.24 - Book Of Daniel - Pastor Shawn Moore (Many Campus)
- Episode 590: 8.11.24 - Book Of Daniel - Pastor John Welch (Mansfield Campus)
- Episode 590: 8.11.24 - Book Of Daniel - Pastor Paul Floyd (Stonewall Campus)
- Episode 589: 8.4.24 - Young Communicator Sunday - Jordan Porterfield (Mansfield Campus)
- Episode 588: 8.4.24 - Young Communicator Sunday - Rhyan Floyd (Stonewall Campus)
- Episode 587: 8.4.24 - Young Communicator Sunday - Derik Barton (Many Campus)
- Episode 586: 7.28.24 - Book Of Daniel - Pastor Paul Floyd (Stonewall Campus)
- Episode 586: 7.28.24 - Book Of Daniel - Pastor Glenn Rogers (Mansfield Campus)
- Episode 585: 7.21.24 - Book Of Daniel - Mark Schoth
- Episode 584: 7.21.24 - Book Of Daniel - Brandon Mitchell (Mansfield Campus)
- Episode 583: 7.21.24 - Book Of Daniel - Pastor Paul Floyd (Stonewall Campus)
- Episode 582: 7.14.24 - Standing Firm In A Shifting Culture - Kevin Floyd (Mansfield Campus)
- Episode 581: 7.14.24 - Standing - Pastor John Welch (Stonewall Campus)
- Episode 580: 6.30.24 - Rest - Pastor Shawn Moore (Many Campus)
- Episode 579: 6.30.24 - GUEST SPEAKER! - Dr. Egon Falk (Stonewall Campus)
- Episode 578: 6.23.24 - Who am I? - Pastor Ren Gilyard (Stonewall Campus)
- Episode 577: 6.23.24 - Who am I? - Mikey Harwell (Many Campus)
- Episode 576: 6.23.24 - Who Am I? - Pastor Brandon Mitchell (Mansfield Campus)
- Episode 575: 6.16.24 - Father's Day - Ren Gilyard (Mansfield Campus)
- Episode 574: 6.16.24 - Father's Day - John Welch (Stonewall Campus)
- Episode 573: 6.16.24 - Father's Day - Mark Schoth (Many Campus)
- Episode 572: 6.9.24 - Elder Sunday - Pastor Shawn Moore & Mark Schoth (Many Campus)
- Episode 571: 6.9.24 - Elder Sunday - Buster Rhoads & Pastor Ren Gilyard (Stonewall Campus)
- Episode 571: 6.9.24 - Elder Sunday - Buster Bailey & Pastor Glenn Rogers (Mansfield Campus)
- Episode 570: 5.26.24 - Lance Rogers (Many Campus)
- Episode 570: 5.26.24 - Pastor Paul Floyd (Mansfield Campus)
- Episode 569: 6.2.24 - Pastor Paul Floyd (Stonewall Campus)
- Episode 569: 6.2.24 - Phillip Baker (Many Campus)
- Episode 569: 6.2.24 - Pastor John Welch (Mansfield Campus)
- Episode 568: 5.19.24- What is Salvation?- Pastor John (Stonewall Campus)
- Episode 567: 5.19.24- The Year of The Lord's Favor- Pastor Paul (Many Campus)
- Episode 566: 5.12.24 - Mother's Day Service - Pastor Shawn Moore (Many Campus)
- Episode 565: 5.12.24 - Mother's Day Service - Mrs. Belinda Rogers (Mansfield Campus)
- Episode 564: 5.12.24 - Mother's Day Service - Pastor Casey Floyd (Stonewall Campus)
- Episode 563: 5.5.24 - Kingdom Business Sunday - Pastor John Welch (Many Campus)
- Episode 563: 5.5.24 - Kingdom Business Sunday - Pastor Glenn Rogers (Mansfield Campus)
- Episode 563: 5.5.24 - Kingdom Business Sunday - Pastor Paul Floyd (Stonewall Campus)
- Episode 562: 4.28.24 - Praying In The Spirit - Pastor Ren Gilyard (Stonewall Campus)
- Episode 561: 4.28.24 - Praying In The Spirit - Pastor Mikey Harwell (Many Campus)
- Episode 560: 4.28.24 - Praying In The Spirit - Pastor Paul Floyd (Mansfield Campus)
- Episode 559: 4.21.24 - The Baptism of the Holy Spirit - Pastor Jessica Gilyard (Stonewall Campus)
- Episode 558: 4.21.24 - The Baptism of the Holy Spirit - Pastor Shawn Moore (Many Campus)
- Episode 558: 4.21.24 - The Baptism of the Holy Spirit - Brandon Mitchell (Mansfield Campus)
- Episode 557: 4.14.24 - The Holy Spirit - Brother Mark Schoth (Many Campus)
- Episode 556: 4.14.24 - The Holy Spirit - Kevin Floyd (Mansfield Campus)
- Episode 555: 4.14.24 - The Holy Spirit - Pastor Paul Floyd (Stonewall Campus)
- Episode 554: 4.7.24 - The Book of John - Lance Rogers (Mansfield Campus)
- Episode 554: 4.7.24 - The Book of John - Pastor John Welch (Stonewall Campus)
- Episode 553: 3.31.24 - Easter Sunday (Many Campus)
- Episode 552: 3.31.24 - Easter Sunday (Mansfield Campus)
- Episode 551: 3.31.24 Easter Sunday (Stonewall Campus)
- Episode 550: 3.24.24 - The Book of John - Pastor Paul Floyd (Mansfield Campus)
- Episode 549: 3.24.24 - The Book of John - Pastor Jessica Gilyard (Stonewall Campus)
- Episode 548: 3.17.24 - The Book of John - Pastor Paul Floyd (Stonewall Campus)
- Episode 547: 3.10.24 - The Book of John - Pastor Paul Floyd (Mansfield Campus)
- Episode 547: 3.10.24 - The Book of John - Pastor Mikey Harwell (Many Campus)
- Episode 547: 3.10.24 - The Book of John - Pastor John Welch (Stonewall Campus)
- Episode 546: 3.3.24 - The Book of John - Bro Mark Schoth (Many Campus)
- Episode 545: 3.3.24 - The Book of John - Pastor Paul Floyd (Stonewall Campus)
- Episode 544: 2.25.24 - The House of God - Pastor Paul Floyd (Many Campus)
- Episode 543: 2.25.24 - The Illusionist - Pastor John Welch (Mansfield Campus)
- Episode 542: 2.25.24 - The Book of John - Pastor Brandon Mitchell (Stonewall Campus)
- Episode 541: 2.18.24 - The Book of John - Pastor Shawn Moore (Many Campus)
- Episode 540: 2.18.24 - The Book of John - Pastor Paul Mason (Stonewall Campus)
- Episode 539: 2.11.24 - The Book of John - Dustin Martin (Many Campus)
- Episode 538: 2.11.24 - The Book of John - Pastor Glenn Rogers (Mansfield Campus)
- Episode 537: 2.11.24 - The Book of John - Pastor Paul Floyd (Stonewall Campus)
- Episode 536: 2.4.24 - The Book of John - Pastor Paul Floyd (Many Campus)
- Episode 535: 2.4.24 - The Book of John - Pastor Ren Gilyard (Stonewall Campus)
- Episode 534: RVRS- Paul Mason (Night 3)
- Episode 533: (Stonewall Campus) Brandon Mitchell
- Episode 532: (Mansfield Campus) Pastor Paul Floyd
- Episode 531: (Stonewall Campus) Pastor Jessica Gilyard
- Episode 530: (Many Campus) Pastor Paul Floyd
- Episode 529: (Mansfield Campus) Dustin Martin
- Episode 528: (Mansfield Campus) Kevin Floyd
- Episode 527: (Mansfield Service) Pastor Paul Floyd
- Episode 526: (Mansfield Campus) Make Room Sunday - Brandon Mitchell
- Episode 525: (Stonewall Campus) Brandon Mitchell
- Episode 524: (Mansfield Campus) Pastor Paul Floyd
- Episode 523: (Many Campus) Pastor John Welch
- Episode 522: (Mansfield Campus) Pastor Glenn Rogers
- Episode 521: (Stonewall Campus) Pastor Paul Floyd
- Episode 520: (Stonewall Campus) Dustin Martin
- Episode 519: (Mansfield Campus) Pastor Mikey Harwell
- Episode 518: (1 Corinthians 11) Pastor Jessica Gilyard
- Episode 517: (1 Corinthians 11) Pastor Paul Floyd
- Episode 516: (1 Corinthians 11) Pastor John Welch
- Episode 515: (1 Corinthians 11) Pastor Mikey Harwell
- Episode 514: (1 Corinthians 11) Pastor Paul Floyd
- Episode 513: 1 Corinthians 10- Pastor Ren (Stonewall Campus)
- Episode 512: 1 Corinthians 10- Pastor Paul (Mansfield Campus)
- Episode 510: (Many Campus) Pastor Randy Goudeau
- Episode 508: (Mansfield Campus) Dustin Martin
- Episode 507: (Many Campus) Pastor Shawn Moore