Listen to Play Tales

Play Tales started when I was visiting my nephews. The weather made it an in-door day and we were all tired of watching TV. We used a pocket window with a bench as the bridge of a spaceship. I talked the kids through the launch procedures like ”mission control.” Each Play Tale is professionally recorded with narration and sound-effects to signal your child on what they should do next. We use repetition in counting and responsive audio cues to reinforce what they are doing. For example, in Mission Undersea your little explorer has to push an imaginary button to get the submarine’s sonar to do a sounding. Use the free coloring pages on our Facebook site to serve as the ”control board” for each story. My funniest memory from a Play Tale was during Mission Under Sea. At one point the narrator asked my kids to ”look out the window and tell me what you see.” They both exclaimed ”Nothing!” and then laughed and laughed. I hope Play Tales help you fill your child’s day with fun.

Listen to Play Tales

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