Hi all and welcome to the podcast channel of Hope Church Family all the way from Bradford, England with Mark & Hannah Pease. In a world that is becoming increasingly uncertain, chaotic and fear driven, lets learn what it is to live in the hope that comes from HIM and HIM alone. We think this will be helpful and we can promise you no religious cliches ;-) Real talk for real people, living real lives who love a real God.
Latest episodes of the podcast Let Hope Arise
- #36 - To know and be known
- #35 - Restore
- #34 - He's like this
- #33 - What is God like?
- #32 - Comings & Goings
- #31 - Stop being weird
- #30 - Seeing like Jesus - Being like Jesus
- #29 - Fathers Day Pod
- #28 - Ch ch ch ch changes
- #27 - What is church? Part 2
- #26 - What is church?
- #25 - Embrace your call
- #24 - What's it all about?
- #23 - The Real Jesus
- #22 - Lost
- #21 - Easter Sunday
- #20 - Palm Sunday Musings
- #19 - Mothers Day Lessons
- #18 - He never left
- #17 - Keep Going
- #16 - What's love got to do, got to do with it .........
- #15 - Captivated
- #14 - That's my boy / girl!
- #13 - Take down the Scaffolding
- #12 - Mary Mary
- #11 - Chinese Whispers
- #10 - To know and be known
- #9 - Believing in Him
- #8 - It was always Jesus
- #7 - Where is it?
- #6 - Catch the Fox
- #5 - Mirror - Signal - Manoeuvre
- #4 - Slow it down (or is it?????)
- #3 - Watch your mouth
- #2 - The Wisdom Walk
- #1 - The Wisdom Walk