Episode Synopsis "030420 Shontel Seneca "What is Your Idenity""
030420 Shontel Seneca "What is Your Idenity"
Listen "030420 Shontel Seneca "What is Your Idenity""
More episodes of the podcast LCC Berwick
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- 060519 - Shontel Seneca "Romans" Pt. 17
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- 041719 - Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt. 12
- 041019 - Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt 11
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- 022719 Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt. 7
- 020319 Mo Seneca "Promises from God"
- 013019 Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt. 6
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- 012719 John Kimble "Faith and Promises"
- 01-02-19 - Tommy Faulk "Study of Romans" Pt. 5
- 12/30/18 - Mo Seneca "Unity"
- 12/23/18 - Mo Seneca "Keeping Your Joy"
- 12/09/18 - Mo Seneca "Make Room for God in your Heart"
- 12/12/18 - Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt. 4
- 12/05/18 - Shontel Seneca "Peace"
- 12/02/18 - Mo Seneca "David and Goliath"
- 11/28/18 - Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt. 3
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- 11/18/18 - Tommy Faulk "Giving Thanks"
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- 11/07/18 Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt. 2
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- 10/24/18 - Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt. 1
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- 10/10/18 - Mo Seneca "Study of James" Pt 17
- 10/07/18 Mo Seneca "Relationships" Pt 1
- 10/07/18 - John Kilpatrick "Jezebel Spirit"
- 09/16/18 Mo Seneca "Wisdom"
- 09/18/18 Mo Seneca "Study of James" PT 16
- 09/12/18 - Mo Seneca "Study of James" Pt 15
- 09/02/18 - Mo Seneca "God is Faithful"
- 08/29/18 - Mo Seneca "Study of James" Pt 14
- 08/15/18 - Shontel Seneca "Study of James Pt. 12"
- 08/12/18 - Mo Seneca "God wants to do something great in you life"
- 08-08-18 - Mo Seneca "Study of James" Pt 11
- 08-05-18 - Mo Seneca "The Family Matters"
- 08-01-18 - Mo Seneca "Study of James" PT 10
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- 07-25-18 - Mo Seneca "Study of James" PT 9
- 07-22-18 - Mo Seneca "Cultivating the plans God has for you"
- 07-18-18 - Mo Seneca "Study of James" PT. 8
- 07-15-18 - Tommy Faulk "The High Places in our lives"
- 07-11-18 Mo Seneca "Study of James" Pt. 7
- 7-8-18 AM Mo Seneca "We All Fail"
- 07-01-18 - Mo Seneca "Battle Plan"
- 06-27-18 - Shontel Seneca "Study of James" Pt. 6
- 06-24-18 - Mo Seneca "Trust in the Lord"
- 06-20-18 - Shontel Seneca "Study of James" Pt. 5
- 06-17-18 - Tommy Faulk, Sr. "Father's Day"
- 06-13-18 - Tommy Faulk "Study of James" Pt. 4
- 06-10-18 - Mo Seneca "Salt and Light"
- 06-06-18 - Mo Seneca "Study of James" Pt. 3
- 06-03-18 - Mo Seneca "The Blessed Life: The Beatitudes"
- 05-30-18 - Tommy Faulk "Study of James" Pt. 2
- 05-27-18 - Ronnie Foret "Prayer"
- 05-23-18 - Shontel Seneca "Study of James" Pt. 1
- 05-20-18 - Mo Seneca "Lessons from a Championship Season"
- 05-16-18 - Rick Roberts
- 05-13-18 - Mo Seneca "Proverbs 31: Love God, Love People"
- 05-09-18 - Tommy Faulk "Breaks, Strains, and Healings"
- 05-06-18 - Mo Seneca"King Hezekiah and the Power of Prayer"
- 04-18-18 - Mo Seneca "The Cost of Unbelief" Pt. 3
- 04-15-18 - David Remedios "One Accord Service"
- 04-15-18 - Mo Seneca "Being a Giver That Pleases God"
- 04-11-18 - Mo Seneca "The Cost of Unbelief" Pt. 2
- 04-08-18 - Paul Bradford
- 04-04-18 - Mo Seneca "The Cost of Unbelief"
- 04-01-18 - Mo Seneca "After the Resurrection"
- 03-28-18 - Tommy Faulk "Position of the Heart"
- 03-25-18 - Mo Seneca "Lessons from a Missed Opportunity"
- 03-21-18 - Shontel Seneca "Ministry of Angels" Pt. 2
- 03-18-18 - Mo Seneca "Nothing is Impossible With God"
- 03-11-18 - Mo Seneca "Things Worth Losing"
- 03-07-18 - Shontel Seneca "Philippians"
- 03-04-18 - Russell Roseberry
- 02-28-18 PM - Shontel Seneca "Philippians"
- 02-25-18 AM - Mo Seneca "Lessons from the Life of Billy Graham"
- 02-18-18 AM - Mo Seneca "Where Will You Choose to Live?"
- 02-14-18 PM - Tommy Faulk "Worship"
- 02-11-18 AM - Ronnie Foret "Favor of God" Pt. 3
- 02-07-18 PM - Shontel Seneca "Emotions"
- 02-04-18 AM - Mo Seneca "Favor of God" Pt. 2
- 01-28-18 AM - Mo Seneca "Favor of God" Pt. 1
- 01-24-18 PM - Mo Seneca "Philippians"
- 01-21-18 AM - Gary Sapp
- 01-10-18 PM - Shontel Seneca "Philippians"
- 11-15-17 PM - Mo Seneca "Philippians"
- 10-29-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Finding Our Purpose"
- 10-25-17 PM - Shontel Seneca "Praying Circles"
- 10-18-17 PM - Shontel Seneca "Praying Circles"
- 10-15-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Will It Matter in a Hundred Years?"
- 10-11-17 PM - Shontel Seneca "Praying Circles"
- 10-08-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Love Is..."
- 10-04-17 PM - Shontel Seneca "Praying Circles"
- 10-01-17 AM - Mo Seneca "When to Stand and When to Kneel"
- 09-24-17 AM - Mo Seneca "What We Believe" Pt. 2
- 09-20-17 PM - Shontel Seneca "Praying Circles"
- 09-17-17 AM - Randle Peterson
- 09-13-17 PM - Shontel Seneca "Praying Circles"
- 09-10-17 AM - Mo Seneca "What We Believe" Pt. 1
- 09-03-17 AM - Ronnie Foret
- 08-23-17 PM - Shontel Seneca "Praying Circles"
- 08-27-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Thing That Come Between Us and God"
- 08-16-17 PM - Blaise Smith "Prayer"
- 08-13-17 PM - Paul Bradford
- 08-13-17 AM - Paul Bradford
- 08-09-17 PM - Shontel Seneca "Spiritual Gifts"
- 08-06-17 AM - Mo Seneca "The Process of Change"
- 07-30-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Missions: Compelled by Love"
- 07-23-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Put Me In, Coach"
- 07-16-17 AM - Allen Chapin
- 07-12-17 PM - Shontel Seneca "Ephesians"
- 07-09-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Keeping Your Eyes on Jesus"
- 07-02-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Freedom from the Big 3"
- 06-28-17 PM - Shontel Seneca "Ephesians"
- 06-25-17 AM - Mo Seneca "While You Wait"
- 06-11-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Why Vacation Bible School?"
- 06-04-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Stay Salty"
- 05-17-17 PM - Shontel Seneca "Ephesians"
- 05-21-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Running with the Giants" Pt. 10
- 05-14-17 AM - Bob Holloway
- 05-10-17 PM - Mo Seneca "Ephesians"
- 05-07-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Running with the Giants" Pt. 9
- 04-30-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Running with the Giants" Pt. 8
- 04-26-17 PM - Shontel Seneca "Ephesians"
- 04-23-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Running with the Giants" Pt. 7
- 04-19-17 PM - Shontel Seneca "Ephesians"
- 04-16-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Grace is Greater"
- 04-09-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Lessons from the Crowd"
- 04-02-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Running With the Giants" Pt. 6
- 03-12-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Running With the Giants" Pt. 4
- 03-05-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Running With the Giants" Pt. 3
- 02-26-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Running With the Giants" Pt. 2
- 02-19-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Running With the Giants" Pt. 1
- 02-12-17 AM - Mo Seneca "It Ain't Over til It's Over"
- 01-29-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Giving"
- 01-22-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Love God and Love People"
- 01-15-17 AM - Mo Seneca "One Thing We Must Do"
- 01-08-2017 - Mo Seneca
- 01-01-2017 AM - Mo Seneca