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Latest episodes of the podcast LCC Berwick
- 030420 Shontel Seneca "What is Your Idenity"
- 020220 Scott Holmes "Don't Leave The Same"
- 012920 Mo Seneca "study of Romans" Pt. 32
- 01262020 Mo Seneca "Giving"
- 01222020 Randy Plessala "Secularism"
- 01192020 Dave Raley "Missionary"
- 01152020 Mo Seneca "Missions"
- 01122020 Mo Seneca "New Mind Set"
- 01082020 Mo Seneca "Prayer"
- 010520 Mo Seneca "New Year 2020"
- 122919 Randy Plessela "Fulfilments and Revelations of the Christ Child"
- 121519 Mo Seneca "Fear, Worry, Anxiety"
- 120419 Randy Plessala "Wait"
- 112419 Mo Seneca "Thanks"
- 112019 Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt. 31
- 111719 Mo Seneca "Core Values" Pt. 5
- 111319 Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt. 30
- 111019 Mo Seneca "Core Values" Pt. 4
- 110619 Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt. 29
- 103019 Josh Tillman "Missionary Guest"
- 102719 Mo Seneca "Core Values" Pt. 3
- 102019 Mo Seneca "Core Values" Pt. 2
- 101319 Mo Seneca "Core Values" Pt. 1
- 100619 Mo Seneca "Homecoming"
- 102319 Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt. 28
- 101619 Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt. 27
- 100919 Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt. 26
- 092919 Mo Seneca "Prayer"
- 092219 Mo Seneca "Your Always Welcome Home"
- 091819 Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt. 25
- 091519 Mo Seneca "Words That Describe God"
- 090419 Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt. 24
- 090819 Ronnie Foret "Worship"
- 081819 Mo Seneca "Lessons From the Rich Young Ruler"
- 081119 Mo Seneca "Being More Like Jesus"
- 080719 Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt. 23
- 072419 Mo Seneca "Study Of Romans" Pt. 22
- 071719 Mo Seneca "Study Of Romans" Pt. 21
- 072119 Mo Seneca "Worry"
- 062619 Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt. 20
- 061919 Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt. 19
- 061219 - Shontel Seneca "Romans" Pt. 18
- 060919 - Mo Seneca "Fear"
- 060519 - Shontel Seneca "Romans" Pt. 17
- 060219 - Mo Seneca "Storms of Life"
- 052919 - Thomas Faulk "Romans" Pt. 16
- 052619 - Christine Roseberry "We Need To Know Who God Is"
- 052219 - Thomas Faulk "No Pain No Gain"
- 051519 - Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt. 15
- 051219 - Mo Seneca "Mother Mary"
- 050819 - Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt. 14
- 050519 - Mo Seneca "Need To Pray"
- 042419 Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt. 13
- 042819 Mo Seneca "Blessings of Generosity"
- 042119 - Mo Seneca "Grace"
- 041719 - Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt. 12
- 041019 - Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt 11
- 040319 - Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt 10
- 032719 Mo Seneca -"Study of Romans" Pt. 9
- 030619 - Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt. 8
- 021719 - Mo Seneca "Promises of God" Pt. 2
- 022719 Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt. 7
- 020319 Mo Seneca "Promises from God"
- 013019 Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt. 6
- 012319 Missionary "Wednesday Service"
- 012019 Mo Seneca "Shake Off Every Weight"
- 012719 John Kimble "Faith and Promises"
- 01-02-19 - Tommy Faulk "Study of Romans" Pt. 5
- 12/30/18 - Mo Seneca "Unity"
- 12/23/18 - Mo Seneca "Keeping Your Joy"
- 12/09/18 - Mo Seneca "Make Room for God in your Heart"
- 12/12/18 - Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt. 4
- 12/05/18 - Shontel Seneca "Peace"
- 12/02/18 - Mo Seneca "David and Goliath"
- 11/28/18 - Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt. 3
- 11/25/18 - Justus Freeman "Reaching the Solomons"
- 11/18/18 - Tommy Faulk "Giving Thanks"
- 11/11/18 Mo Seneca "Giving Thanks"
- 11/07/18 Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt. 2
- 11/04/18 Mo Seneca "Fruits of the Spirit"
- 10/28/18 Mo Seneca - "Living By Faith"
- 10/24/18 - Mo Seneca "Study of Romans" Pt. 1
- 10/14/18 - Mo Seneca "Relationships" Pt. 2
- 10/10/18 - Mo Seneca "Study of James" Pt 17
- 10/07/18 Mo Seneca "Relationships" Pt 1
- 10/07/18 - John Kilpatrick "Jezebel Spirit"
- 09/16/18 Mo Seneca "Wisdom"
- 09/18/18 Mo Seneca "Study of James" PT 16
- 09/12/18 - Mo Seneca "Study of James" Pt 15
- 09/02/18 - Mo Seneca "God is Faithful"
- 08/29/18 - Mo Seneca "Study of James" Pt 14
- 08/15/18 - Shontel Seneca "Study of James Pt. 12"
- 08/12/18 - Mo Seneca "God wants to do something great in you life"
- 08-08-18 - Mo Seneca "Study of James" Pt 11
- 08-05-18 - Mo Seneca "The Family Matters"
- 08-01-18 - Mo Seneca "Study of James" PT 10
- 07-29-18 - Mo Seneca "Rememberance"
- 07-25-18 - Mo Seneca "Study of James" PT 9
- 07-22-18 - Mo Seneca "Cultivating the plans God has for you"
- 07-18-18 - Mo Seneca "Study of James" PT. 8
- 07-15-18 - Tommy Faulk "The High Places in our lives"
- 07-11-18 Mo Seneca "Study of James" Pt. 7
- 7-8-18 AM Mo Seneca "We All Fail"
- 07-01-18 - Mo Seneca "Battle Plan"
- 06-27-18 - Shontel Seneca "Study of James" Pt. 6
- 06-24-18 - Mo Seneca "Trust in the Lord"
- 06-20-18 - Shontel Seneca "Study of James" Pt. 5
- 06-17-18 - Tommy Faulk, Sr. "Father's Day"
- 06-13-18 - Tommy Faulk "Study of James" Pt. 4
- 06-10-18 - Mo Seneca "Salt and Light"
- 06-06-18 - Mo Seneca "Study of James" Pt. 3
- 06-03-18 - Mo Seneca "The Blessed Life: The Beatitudes"
- 05-30-18 - Tommy Faulk "Study of James" Pt. 2
- 05-27-18 - Ronnie Foret "Prayer"
- 05-23-18 - Shontel Seneca "Study of James" Pt. 1
- 05-20-18 - Mo Seneca "Lessons from a Championship Season"
- 05-16-18 - Rick Roberts
- 05-13-18 - Mo Seneca "Proverbs 31: Love God, Love People"
- 05-09-18 - Tommy Faulk "Breaks, Strains, and Healings"
- 05-06-18 - Mo Seneca"King Hezekiah and the Power of Prayer"
- 04-18-18 - Mo Seneca "The Cost of Unbelief" Pt. 3
- 04-15-18 - David Remedios "One Accord Service"
- 04-15-18 - Mo Seneca "Being a Giver That Pleases God"
- 04-11-18 - Mo Seneca "The Cost of Unbelief" Pt. 2
- 04-08-18 - Paul Bradford
- 04-04-18 - Mo Seneca "The Cost of Unbelief"
- 04-01-18 - Mo Seneca "After the Resurrection"
- 03-28-18 - Tommy Faulk "Position of the Heart"
- 03-25-18 - Mo Seneca "Lessons from a Missed Opportunity"
- 03-21-18 - Shontel Seneca "Ministry of Angels" Pt. 2
- 03-18-18 - Mo Seneca "Nothing is Impossible With God"
- 03-11-18 - Mo Seneca "Things Worth Losing"
- 03-07-18 - Shontel Seneca "Philippians"
- 03-04-18 - Russell Roseberry
- 02-28-18 PM - Shontel Seneca "Philippians"
- 02-25-18 AM - Mo Seneca "Lessons from the Life of Billy Graham"
- 02-18-18 AM - Mo Seneca "Where Will You Choose to Live?"
- 02-14-18 PM - Tommy Faulk "Worship"
- 02-11-18 AM - Ronnie Foret "Favor of God" Pt. 3
- 02-07-18 PM - Shontel Seneca "Emotions"
- 02-04-18 AM - Mo Seneca "Favor of God" Pt. 2
- 01-28-18 AM - Mo Seneca "Favor of God" Pt. 1
- 01-24-18 PM - Mo Seneca "Philippians"
- 01-21-18 AM - Gary Sapp
- 01-10-18 PM - Shontel Seneca "Philippians"
- 11-15-17 PM - Mo Seneca "Philippians"
- 10-29-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Finding Our Purpose"
- 10-25-17 PM - Shontel Seneca "Praying Circles"
- 10-18-17 PM - Shontel Seneca "Praying Circles"
- 10-15-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Will It Matter in a Hundred Years?"
- 10-11-17 PM - Shontel Seneca "Praying Circles"
- 10-08-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Love Is..."
- 10-04-17 PM - Shontel Seneca "Praying Circles"
- 10-01-17 AM - Mo Seneca "When to Stand and When to Kneel"
- 09-24-17 AM - Mo Seneca "What We Believe" Pt. 2
- 09-20-17 PM - Shontel Seneca "Praying Circles"
- 09-17-17 AM - Randle Peterson
- 09-13-17 PM - Shontel Seneca "Praying Circles"
- 09-10-17 AM - Mo Seneca "What We Believe" Pt. 1
- 09-03-17 AM - Ronnie Foret
- 08-23-17 PM - Shontel Seneca "Praying Circles"
- 08-27-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Thing That Come Between Us and God"
- 08-16-17 PM - Blaise Smith "Prayer"
- 08-13-17 PM - Paul Bradford
- 08-13-17 AM - Paul Bradford
- 08-09-17 PM - Shontel Seneca "Spiritual Gifts"
- 08-06-17 AM - Mo Seneca "The Process of Change"
- 07-30-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Missions: Compelled by Love"
- 07-23-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Put Me In, Coach"
- 07-16-17 AM - Allen Chapin
- 07-12-17 PM - Shontel Seneca "Ephesians"
- 07-09-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Keeping Your Eyes on Jesus"
- 07-02-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Freedom from the Big 3"
- 06-28-17 PM - Shontel Seneca "Ephesians"
- 06-25-17 AM - Mo Seneca "While You Wait"
- 06-11-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Why Vacation Bible School?"
- 06-04-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Stay Salty"
- 05-17-17 PM - Shontel Seneca "Ephesians"
- 05-21-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Running with the Giants" Pt. 10
- 05-14-17 AM - Bob Holloway
- 05-10-17 PM - Mo Seneca "Ephesians"
- 05-07-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Running with the Giants" Pt. 9
- 04-30-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Running with the Giants" Pt. 8
- 04-26-17 PM - Shontel Seneca "Ephesians"
- 04-23-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Running with the Giants" Pt. 7
- 04-19-17 PM - Shontel Seneca "Ephesians"
- 04-16-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Grace is Greater"
- 04-09-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Lessons from the Crowd"
- 04-02-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Running With the Giants" Pt. 6
- 03-12-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Running With the Giants" Pt. 4
- 03-05-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Running With the Giants" Pt. 3
- 02-26-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Running With the Giants" Pt. 2
- 02-19-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Running With the Giants" Pt. 1
- 02-12-17 AM - Mo Seneca "It Ain't Over til It's Over"
- 01-29-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Giving"
- 01-22-17 AM - Mo Seneca "Love God and Love People"
- 01-15-17 AM - Mo Seneca "One Thing We Must Do"
- 01-08-2017 - Mo Seneca
- 01-01-2017 AM - Mo Seneca