Hi and welcome to Latter-Day Saint Discourse, a podcast that focuses on fascinating topics within the church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints.
Latest episodes of the podcast Latter-Day Saint Discourse
- Navigating Ambiguity in the church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints
- Skin color in the scriptures and the history of the Priesthood and race in the church
- The greatest sermon of all time! Must hear!
- Oppression, persecution and retribution.
- Who is actually speaking to the prophets in the scriptures, God or someone else?
- Thoughts, prayers and the intervention of God
- What is Foreordination? Is God a respecter of persons?
- God, His foreknowledge, control and our moral agency
- What is Fasting?
- What is TRUTH and how can we come to know it?
- Is God a Loving God?
- Latter-Day Saint Discourse