Accelerate your fluency in any language with bestselling language expert Mark Frobose's fluency shortcuts, tips and strategies and free language lessons with his trained native speaking teaching assistants. Free Spanish, Italian, French, German, Portuguese, Mandarin Chinese and other language lessons, fluency strategies, creating your own automatic fluency system, language memory techniques, travel vocabulary, common language learning pitfalls and remedies, 10 Commandments of Automatic Fluency, discovering your own unique language learning style, making your otherwise wasted down time into language learning up time and more.
Latest episodes of the podcast Language Guy® Podcast
- Latin American Conversational Spanish Lesson #5
- Latin American Conversational Spanish Lesson #4
- Latin American Conversational Spanish Lesson #3
- Latin American Conversational Spanish Lesson #2
- Latin American Conversational Spanish Lesson #1
- Brazilian Portuguese Restaurant Vocabulary
- More Brazilian Portuguese
- Japanese Restaurant Vocabulary
- Free Korean fluency lesson
- Free Thai fluency lesson
- Free Italian Lesson
- Free French Lesson.
- Let’s Learn More Japanese!
- Learn Mexican Spanish!
- Learn Travel Japanese!
- Select the right language for you!
- The key to becoming fluent is to first learn Why? you want to learn language and then set meaningful language fluency goals.
- The Fluent "Me" I see is the fluent "Me" I’ll someday be. Visualize your fluency daily and speak words you love with passion
- What’s The Simplest Way To Learn a Language Fluently?
- Make becoming multilingual easier by learning 2 languages at the same time within the same language family.
- Take the “chance” out of fluency by using Mark’s Automatic Fluency programs every chance you get.
- How to Win the Language Game
- How to Improve Your Language Memory and Your Accent
- Mark’s 5 Steps to Automatic Fluency Formula
- Increase Fluency with Friends and Programming!
- You Become Fluent By Practicing Every Day
- Repeat out loud and improve your language memory and accent.
- Making Your Daily Language Learning Inevitable
- Take the Fluency Jet and Learn High Frequency Language First
- The Art of Learning Languages Everywhere You Go
- How to Make Sure You Remember the Language You’re Learning
- 10 Commandments of Automatic Fluency - Commandments 1 and 2
- The 10 Commandments of Automatic Fluency
- Meet the Language Guy® and Begin Your Journey to Fluency in the Language of Your Dreams