KA Connect is a community of AEC professionals driven to transform the way the industry organizes information and shares knowledge.
Latest episodes of the podcast KA Connect Podcast
- Michael Kilkelly: Translations from Model to Building
- Bret Tushaus: A Wiki for Your Thoughts
- Laurie Dreyer: Dinosaur Lessons - Learn or Die
- John Moebes: Design, Build, Bid
- Rory Vance: How do you know what you know?
- Justin Quimby: Game Development - An Unlikely Muse
- Dave Fano: Engaging the Tools
- Pam Britton: Leveraging Learning
- Pete Walsham: The Three Ages of DAM
- John Soter: A 12-Step Program for a Learning Organization
- Josh Lobel: CAD Metaphors
- Randy Deutsch: The Reemerging Midcareer Professional's Companion
- Lira Luis: The Unifying Force
- Anne Scarlett: Storytelling - The Key to Marketing Knowledge
- Bob Batcheler: There are 4 P's in Practice
- Darren Rizza: Knowledge, Knowledge Everywhere
- Federico Negro: Crowdsourcing Design
- Markku Allison: On Collaboration
- Ash Notaney: Fabricating the Future
- Barbara Irwin: What About Me? Retention in the Recovery
- Bret Tushaus: The Unstructured Landscape of the Knowledge Worker
- Chris Brandt: Great Organizations Give Up Control
- Christine Brack: Make Project Management Cool
- Christopher Pinckney: IT as an Enemy of Innovation
- Courtney Beamon: Flying Together
- David Fano: Teaching 2.0
- Debra Levin: Collecting Evidence is a Team Sport
- Ed Friedrichs: Two Degrees of Separation
- Federico Negro: Data Mining and BIM
- Jeffrey McGrew: Digital Fabrication: 7 Steps to a New Workflow
- John Peterson: The Power of the Knowledge Broker
- John Pocorobba: A16: A Revolutionary Program for Up/Down Mentoring
- Julianne Nevins: Leveraging Internal Experts to Build a Learning Program
- Justin Quimby: What the AEC Industry Can Learn from Farmville
- Ken Young: Social Media @HOK
- Larry Rocha: Moving from Building Design to Product Design
- MacKenzie Smith: Curating Digital Design Data
- Marjanne Pearson: Organizing Around Intellect
- Mark English: Working the Biggest Room Possible
- Mehmet Dogu: Benchmarking Isn’t Just Benchmarking
- Michael Strogoff: Capturing Distilled Knowledge on Video
- Michael Woods: Video: Consumer Toy or Power Tool?
- Mike Phillips: What You Really Want to Know About Clients
- Nancy Egan: Cultural DNA: The Key to Competitive Advantage
- Peter Braun: Creating Organizational Learning Agility
- Rob Mathewson: BIM’s ’First Mile’ Problem
- Romano Nickerson: Learning to be Lean
- Ruben Suare: A New Collaboration Framework For Design and Manufacturing
- Scott Grove: The Path to Enterprise Collaboration
- Steve Burrows: Engineering is Poetry
- Tim Parker: You’ve Got a Secret...And You Shouldn’t
- Vik Duggal: Sales: The Fountain of Sustainability
- Zigmund Rubel: Activating Knowledge: Data-Driven Design
- Alyssa Scholz: Get Uncomfortable…That’s When It Gets Good!
- Amy Aponte: One Project at a Time is Not Fast Enough
- Christopher Parsons: Knowledge-Driven Strategy
- David Mar: Custom Tools for Wicked Problems
- Markku Allison: Why the Future Looks IPD-ish
- Michael Le Fevre: How to Speak BIM
- Amy Keller: Tools and Resources that Support EBD in Healthcare
- W Mike Martin: Harvesting Knowledge and Evidence in the Wild
- Derek Parker: Design Research and the 21st Century Hospital
- Laura Crescimano + Nambi Gardner: Data Mining for Design
- Scott Shell: Occupant Satisfaction and Sustainable Design
- Beverly Prior: Knowledge Generation for the Small Firm