Judging is not synonymous with condemning. Judging simply means evaluate and Christians are required by scripture to judge.

0:00 - 0:20: Matthew 7:1-5. Judging is not synonymous with condemning. Judging simply means evaluate and Christians are required by scripture to judge. Judging is what we do. Condemning is what are not to do. 0:23 - 0:40: If transgenderism is okay why shouldn’t we be allowed change our ages if we want to? It’s all about how we feel, isn’t it? 0:43 - 0:60: Chip and Joanna announced the pending launch of their very own television network. Callers weigh in.

Judging is not synonymous with condemning. Judging simply means evaluate and Christians are required by scripture to judge.

Latest episodes of the podcast Judging is not synonymous with condemning. Judging simply means evaluate and Christians are required by scripture to judge.