Episode Synopsis "Questions About Heaven"
Listen "Questions About Heaven"
More episodes of the podcast Journey of Hope UMC's Weekly Sermons
- Gifts
- Reflection - Jason - Elgin Campus
- The Unlikely Advent - When God Shows Up
- An Unlikely Advent - A Curious People
- An Unlikely Advent - A Curious People - Jason - Elgin Campus
- An Unlikely Advent - An Unlikely Villain
- An Unlikely Advent - What If I Missed It? Jarrod - Elgin Campus
- Temptations - Kingdom
- Temptation - Temple
- Not By Bread Alone - Jarrod - Bartlett Campus
- Not By Bread Alone - Jason - Elgin Campus
- Faith & Life - Pastor Jarrod - Elgin Campus
- Sacred Searching - The Role of Faith
- Sacred Searing - God is So Good!
- Sacred Searching - Inerrant...Infallible? Jarrod - Bartlett Campus
- Sacred Searching - Inerrant...Infallible Jason - Elgin Campus
- Sacred Searching - Denomination Demolition
- Sacred Searching - Are You a Christian? Pastor Jarrod - Elgin Campus
- Getting Your Fill of the Right Stuff
- Words Can Change the World - Pastor Jarrod - Elgin Campus
- Wait, Who's Invited
- What I did for Summer Vacation: Refresh & Renew
- What I did for Summer Vacation: Rest In Creation
- Our Destination: Inspiring the Future
- Our Path: Clarify the Vision
- Our Roots: Embracing Our Legacy
- Sacraments of Holy Communion - Pastor Jason (Elgin Campus)
- In God We Trust
- God's Grace Lavished Upon Us - Pastor Jarrod (Bartlett Campus)
- God's Grace Lavished Upon Us - Pastor Jason (Elgin Campus)
- In Whom Do You Rely - Pastor Jarrod (Elgin Campus)
- Who Are We - Andy Lindstrom
- Staying Passionate - Kimberly Lynch
- At the Movies: Brigadoon
- At the Movies: E.T.
- At the Movies: The Breakfast Club
- Daniel & the Lion's Den
- David & Goliath
- Queen Esther: For Such a Time as This
- Moses & the Exodus
- Joseph & God's Plan
- Abram's Call
- Ideal Community - Jason (Elgin Campus)
- Ask The Pastor - (Jason - Bartlett Campus)
- Ask The Pastor - (Jarrod - Elgin Campus)
- "The Third Day - Living Resurrection" (Jason - Bartlett Campus)
- "The Third Day - Living Resurrection" (Jarrod - Elgin Campus)
- The Third Day - Jesus thru Mariam Eyes (Jason - Bartlett Campus)
- The Third Day - Jesus - (Jarrod - Elgin Campus)
- The Third Day - Paul, 1st person (Jason - Bartlett Campus)
- The Third Day - Paul (Jarrod - Elgin Campus)
- The Third Day - Emmaus - Jarrod - Bartlett
- The Third Day - Emmaus - Jason - Elgin
- The Third Day - Thomas - 1st person by Jason in Bartlett
- The Third Day - Thomas
- The Third Day: First Person Simon Peter - Jason (Bartlett)
- The Third Day: Simon Peter - Pastor Jarrod
- The Third Day: First Person Mary Magdalene - Bartlett
- The Third Day - Mary Magdelene
- Why Do the Innocent Suffer? - Jarrod Severing - Bartlett Campus
- Why Do the Innocent Suffer? - Jason Martin - Elgin
- When Prayers Go Unanswered
- Questions About Heaven
- The Gospel Truth - Jarrod Severing ( Bartlett Campus)
- The Gospel Truth - Jason Princer ( Elgin Campus)
- Doubt and Existence of God
- Choosing Your Attitude
- The Light in the Darkness
- Heaven & Earth: REJOICE
- Heaven and Earth: LIGHT
- Heaven and Earth: Surprised
- Heaven and Earth: Meanwhile
- Gratitude: Sheep Vs. Goats
- Gratitude: Conservative, Aggressive, or Buried
- Gratitude and Grace, the Intertwined Connection
- Bumper Sticker Theology: God Needed Another Angel
- Bumper Sticker Theology: I Can Do All Things with God
- Bumper Sticker Theology: A Bible That’s Falling Apart . . .
- Bumper Sticker Theology: When the Door Closes...
- The Big Questions of Life
- The Enduring Power of Love
- Whose Name Is Inscribed on You?
- Overcoming Our Insecurities
- A Fresh Start - Part 2 From Bartlett Campus
- A Fresh Start - Part 1
- Influencers - The World Is Watching
- Influencers - BUILDING UP OTHERS
- Influencers - Where He Leads Me, I Will Follow
- Summer Playlist - WAY MAKER
- Summer Playlist - BROKEN & BEAUTIFUL
- Goodness of God
- Love Came Calling
- Divine Dirt
- Becoming the Lord’s Prayer
- Jireh
- Strong Connections
- On a Mission
- The Blessing
- This I Believe
- Dreams & Visions