Episode Synopsis "Scaling up your sales (for small businesses into mostly fashion items) "
On this episode of my marketing and sales podcast, I discuss how small and medium scale businesses can improve not just their sales but also ensure customer retention. I examined the power and the influence that is being overlooked within networks and also highlighted opportunities for growth for friends who are into the sale of fashion products.
Listen "Scaling up your sales (for small businesses into mostly fashion items) "
More episodes of the podcast Jospimo's Marketing Nuggets For Entrepreneurs (Small and Medium Scale Businesses)
- We are all Tribalistic
- In this Episode of Marketing Communications nuggets, I share why you need to look into Tribes.
- 8 ways to drive brand/product profit
- Scaling up your sales (for small businesses into mostly fashion items)
- One this episode, I share tips on how to get customers to pay what you charge for your product.
- Jospimo's Marketing Nuggets For Entrepreneurs (Small and Medium Scale Businesses) (Trailer)