Johnathan Paul Williams's Channel

A 27 year old man who moves back home to figure life out because he has struggled to hold a job. While overcoming his debilitating anxiety disorder, he has some big dreams of being a great filmmaker. He shares how gaming was a friend to him in his younger years sort of like a really good friend, but now it is more of an enemy to his dreams and has long desired something much greater to do in his real life. As he longs to let go of the virtual world of entertainment he's grown up with logging in over at least10,000 hours, he knows the only way he can truly live free of the gaming life is through the Grace of God showing him what unmet needs and past emotional wounds have been bandaged and covered up by his time spent gaming through all these years. What emotional wounds will he find? How many unmer needs has his gaming covered up all these years? How emotionally painful will this be for him as he digs for answers?

Johnathan Paul Williams's Channel

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