Looking for a new podcast? Can't figure out how to seek adventure with a 9-5 job? Hopefully we can help. We are full time cargo pilots living nomadic dreams! You can find us living full time in our RV, sleeping in our converted ford transit on the weekends or planning our move into a sailboat in the San Francisco Marina. Living tiny may seem simple, but there are a lot of hard conversations that have to be had. We are here to talk about our adventures, what we have learned and specific challenges that come with being active duty mil-mil spouses. Thanks for joining us. We are glad you are here!
Latest episodes of the podcast Jenn & Brandon
- How To Live An Alternative Lifestyle While Working Full-Time Jobs
- Bodie- The Most Famous Ghost Town in America
- How to Go From Enlisted to Officer in the Military
- 5 Tips to Maximize Your Productivity
- Finding Freedom by Having Less
- North Americas Smallest Hotel Room
- Our Podcast Trailer
- Mid-year check-in and our exciting future plans for this podcast!
- Global Security and Intelligence with Ashtin and Ed
- Happy New Year- Change Your Mind, Change Your Life! What are your goals?
- Guest Speaker: Trent Dunn. The Road to Mastery through Undergraduate Pilot Training | ZA013
- Staying positive during the COVID spike and where we are going for our next assignment | ZA012
- We are FINISHED with Pilot Training and meet our newest family members!! | ZA011
- Minimalism- Part 2 | ZA010
- Meaning of Zo Agape | ZA 009
- REAL TALK- Working On That Communication! | ZA008
- Minimalism- Part 1 | ZA007
- 44 states and 4 1/2 months on the road | ZA 006
- How Jolene Became Family | ZA005
- Climbing 60k out of debt | ZA 004
- Flooded RV, No problem | ZA 003
- Our Experience with COVID-19 | ZA 002
- First podcast, famous now right? | ZA 001