Episode Synopsis "Genesis 14-17"
I finally made it through Genesis 14 😅 and got to 17!!I apologize for any unexpected pauses or any extra talking that might have thrown anyone off. Tomorrow, Genesis 18-24 will hopefully be covered.I’ll probably set the videos up as followed (18-21)And (22-24)I hope to finish Genesis and start Exodus next week sometime (maybe Thursday)Thx for listening :)Have a great night!!!
Listen "Genesis 14-17"
More episodes of the podcast Jazmine's podcast
- Who Are We To Judge
- JOHN 1 message
- Episode 24 - I’m sorry for taking a long break
- Exodus One
- Genesis 50!!!!
- Genesis 48 and 49
- 44-47
- Genesis 42 and 43
- Genesis 39-41
- Genesis 36-38
- Genesis 34 and 35
- Genesis 32-33 (the very last word “El-elope-Israel” is not able to be heard in the clip
- Genesis 30 and 31
- Genesis 27-29
- Genesis 25 and 26
- January 12th
- Genesis 24
- Genesis 21-23
- Genesis 18-20
- Genesis 14-17
- Genesis 13
- Genesis 9-12
- Genesis 1-8 summarized
- GENESIS 4:18-8
- Genesis 1-4 (left off at Gen. 4:18)