IT 111 Week 3 Podcast - Winter 2009

IT 111 Podcasts from North Seattle Community College

22/01/2009 7:13PM

Episode Synopsis "IT 111 Week 3 Podcast - Winter 2009"

This is a screen snapshot of the Elluminate player which is used to listen to and watch our weekly "real time" sessions that I've recorded. I made a short video that shows how to navigate through the recording if you want to review it. Our first session, held last night, had five students in attendance and lasted about 50 minutes. This week's podcast has some highlights of the session for those who are wondering if it's worth their while to watch it.This podcast also includes some tips on workflow as you write your web page code, copy it to your web account, and check it in the validator. You might want to print out the transcript for this podcast. I think the tips might be easier to grasp in written format.Finally, I've briefly introduced the final project and I'm asking students to start thinking about topic ideas. I need to approve your topic before you get started.Listen to the Week 3 podcast (6:58 minutes)Or, if you prefer, read the transcript. PDF.Feel free to leave a comment!

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