In 2012 the Democrat Party rejected God three times on the record. Now, they have become the party of infanticide.

0:00 - 0:15: Luke 1:39-44; 18:15-16. The LORD makes no distinction between “babies” inside of womb and “babies” outside of the womb. 0:18 - 0:35: In 2012 the Democrat Party rejected God three times on the record. Now, they have become the party of infanticide. 0:38 - 0:55: Federal District Court Judge has a “male-only” U.S. military draft is unconstitutional. Callers weigh in.

In 2012 the Democrat Party rejected God three times on the record.  Now, they have become the party of infanticide.

Latest episodes of the podcast In 2012 the Democrat Party rejected God three times on the record. Now, they have become the party of infanticide.