How to calm a crying child in 4 very simple ways

How to calm a crying child in 4 very simple ways

How to calm a crying child in 4 very simple ways

20/08/2019 2:21PM

Episode Synopsis "How to calm a crying child in 4 very simple ways"

Children's tears can be caused for a variety of reasons: the child has hurt, has pain somewhere, is afraid, or orders that a toy be bought in a row. In each situation, it is necessary to react appropriately, but remember one thing: you can not underestimate the feelings of the child, and hugs are often necessary. The crying of the children causes different feelings in the parents: from compassion to pity, to anger or helplessness. Nice to tell you today how to calm a child in different situations, always keeping calm. 1. Turn away his attention Distracting a crying young child is possible and for that there are different ways of doing things. The important thing is to draw his attention to a subject that interests him, so that he stops crying. Take in your bag an interesting object that the child has never seen before: a new funny pen, or a small toy that can "talk" with him, comforting him or telling him a story. Ask her a complicated question that requires her full attention and interaction with adults: "Look at this car, it's pretty no, you help me find the mark?" 2. Invent a ritual If the child starts to cry, not for a valid reason, but because he is having a temper tantrum or because he does not want to do what he is asked to do, invents a fun ritual for drying her tears, for example, by lighting the hair dryer, which "dries tears" or "repels anger very far", or give her a "medicine against bad mood": a little sweetness that the child appreciate and he is not used to receiving. 3. Describe your feelings When the child cries, he knows authentic emotions, which are not different from those of adults. When told "it's enough" or "not exaggerating", we refuse to recognize the child's feelings and leave him alone with his frustrations. Instead, try to help him understand how he feels. Look him in the face, get up to him, take him in your arms or take his hands and explain to him the feeling he is experiencing. Yuliya Gippenreyter, in her book "Healing the child, how?" we propose the following dialogue: The child: "He took my toy!" The father: "You are sad and angry against him". In this way, you show him that you understand the emotion he feels, that you listen to him and that you accept his frustration. 4. Against crying, arms are the best consolation If the child is not able to hear what you tell him and becomes hysterical, even in a public place, it becomes difficult for you to restore his calm. But we have a solution. Do not yell at him, do not ask him to calm down instantly, it would not help. Instead, it's important to follow these few steps: Be strong your child against you. Do not ask him questions because the words bring an additional burden to the baby's brain, which is already overloaded. Better to keep quiet. Breathe deeply and regularly. At the same time as you breathe, rock it gently and cuddle it. Let him cry if he needs it. After a while, start using words to console him. Clean his face and give him some water to drink. Comment the situation only when he regained his calm. How to prevent tantrums? Technicoo

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