That Humanity May Go to Heaven- Ascension
16/05/2024 1:06PM
Episode Synopsis "That Humanity May Go to Heaven- Ascension"
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More episodes of the podcast Homilies by Fr. Jarred
- Complaining, Suffering, & Paradise- 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
- Magnanimity- 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
- The Power to Worship- Feast of the Presentation
- Know the Scriptures, Know Christ- 3rd Sunday of Ordinary time
- Jesus’ Baptism and Us- Baptism of the Lord
- Being Mothered- Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
- Doing God’s Will- 4th Sunday of Advent
- Snow White and the Path to Sanctity- 3rd Sunday of Advent
- The Little Guy Matters- 2nd Sunday of Advent
- New Year’s Detachment- 1st Sunday of Advent
- What is Truth?- Christ the King Sunday
- Pray Mass Better- 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
- Platitude, Attitude, Gratitude- Memorial of St. Francis Xavier Cabrini
- You are NOT Strong Enough- 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
- Loving God and Neighbor- 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
- Roadmap to Conversion- 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
- “Follow Me”- 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
- Reigniting the Flame of Faith- Memorial of St. Teresa of Avila
- Letting Go- 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
- O Stupid Galatians!- Thursday, 27 Wk OT
- Marriage and Jesus’ Authority- 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
- Cutting Out Sin- 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time
- Humility, Pride, & Envy- 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
- The Choice for Christ- 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
- The Cross is Key to Joy- Exaltation of the Cross
- Mass Transformation- 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
- Within Our Control- 22nd Sunday of Ordinary the Time
- Witness and the Eucharist- 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
- The Stark & Strange Truth of the Eucharist- 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time
- Our Hunger for God- 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
- Forgetting and Remembering- 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
- God is the Good Shepherd- 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
- Giving Up to Get Christ- 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
- Kindle in Us the Fire of Your Love- Pentecost
- That Humanity May Go to Heaven- Ascension
- Law and Love- 5th Sunday of Easter
- Grafted onto Christ- 5th Sunday of Easter
- A Culture of Vocations- Good Shepherd Sunday
- Peace is What We Desire- 3rd Sunday of Easter
- Freedom is Found in Obedience- Annunciation
- For What Are We Willing to Suffer Defeat?- Divine Mercy Sunday
- St. Anthony of Padua- Model of Humility
- Repetition and Resurrection- Easter Sunday
- Why Jesus Suffered- Good Friday
- Friends of the Bridegroom- Holy Thursday
- God So Love the World
- Why Did People Turn Against Jesus?- Passion Sunday
- The Seed of Hope- 2nd Sunday of Lent
- The Best Penance- Ash Wednesday
- Jesus, My Lord and My God- 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time
- Duty Before Happiness- 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time
- Love Jesus, Love the Church, Love the Hierarchy- 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time
- Be Bold and Suffer
- That He May Offer Himself to the Father- 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time
- Speak Lord for Your Servant is Listening- Wednesday First Week of Ordinary Time
- Who Were the Magi?- Epiphany
- Mary is All About Jesus- Mary, Mother of God
- Marriage and the Church- Holy Family
- The Inn of Our Hearts- Christmas
- Past, Present, and Future Gratitude- 4th Sunday of Advent
- Grateful for the Sacraments- 3rd Sunday
- Ingratitude Hinders God- 2nd Sunday of Advent
- Living Like St. Nick- Memorial of St. Nicholas
- Growing in Gratitude- 1st Sunday of Advent
- Sins of Speech- Christ the King Sunday
- God’s Will in His Time- 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
- Approaching the World as a Child- Memorial of St. Albert the Great
- The Broken Church and Redeemed Sons and Daughters- 31st Sunday of Ordinary Time
- “These Young Priests”- Memorial of St. Charles Borromeo
- The Tragedy and Heroism of the SS Artic- All Souls
- The Saints and Our Destiny- All Saints
- The Humor of Jesus- Memorial of the North American Martyrs
- The Gift of the Priesthood- Feast of St. Luke
- Dressing for the Occasion- 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
- Go and Do Likewise- Memorial of St. Denis
- The Blessing of Chastisement- 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
- Obedience- Memorial of St. Faustina
- The Father Chooses You- 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
- Mercy is the Key- 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
- Mary and What We Give to the Lord- The Assumption
- Get Out of the Boat- 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time
- Jesus is the Kingdom- 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
- We Are Looking For Love- Feast of St. Mary Magdalene
- Speaking Well of Priests- Memorial of Saints Louis and Zelie Martin
- Your Heavenly Father Delights in You- 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
- Rights and Responsibilities- 4th of July
- Jesus is #1- 13th Sunday of Ordinary Time
- The Two Enemies of the Church- Solemnity of Ss. Peter & Paul
- Finding God in the Details- 12th Sunday of Ordinary Time
- Theology of the Gift- Nativity of St. John the Baptist
- The Trinity is Love- Trinity Sunday
- Focus on Jesus- Saturday of BVM
- Jesus Delegates Us- Ascension Sunday
- Salvation is Friendship with Jesus- 5th Sunday of Easter
- He Takes Our Sin and Gives Is Everything- First Friday
- A Tale of Two Simons- Good Friday
- The Endless Ocean of Mercy- Divine Mercy Sunday
- Freed from Prison- Easter Sunday
- The Gift of the Priesthood and the Gift of the Eucharist- Holy Thursday
- Love Not Nails- Palm Sunday