List of Podcasts
HR3 - News on Rep. Scalise being shot at Congressional Baseball Game Practice
Episodes: 1
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HR 1 - President Trump stops by David Platt’s church and gets prayed for, Platt issues explanation on why he prayed for President Trump
Episodes: 1
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HR3 - GUMBO Friday Question: Are people less likely to move to find work, and testimonies from believers about being led by the Spirit in making moves
Episodes: 1
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HR1 - Corruption and Media being exposed by this election, Baby 5 is 3 months old and the delima of moving him out of the room
Episodes: 1
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HR3 - GUMBO Friday - The kids weigh in and review the "My Pillow", Gabriel Parker of Path of Revelation discuss his latest blog about the prosperity gospel and God's Sovereignty
Episodes: 1
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HR3 - Callers chime in and Abraham Hamilton III joins us to talk about the protest and setting our minds apart from the world's mindset
Episodes: 1
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HR3 - More on President Trumps 2nd Statement, Discussion on President Obama and what he's done for the country
Episodes: 1
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HR3 - GUMBO Friday Questions from listeners about public schools and TV programs
Episodes: 1
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HR1 - Discussion on whether Black History is still needed today or has the time past for this designated month.
Episodes: 1
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HR3 - Continuation of the Reasons interview with Eldridge Cleaver in 1986
Episodes: 1
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HR2 - Defunding Planned Parenthood, ICE arrest 113 foreign nationals for criminal activity, The activity of George Soros in universities
Episodes: 1
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HR 1 - Alex McFarland joins in to discuss today’s youth and Truth for a New Generation Conference.
Episodes: 1
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HR 2 - Sharathon day 2 - The impact of Urban Family Talk and why supporting the ministry is so important
Episodes: 1
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How Technology Helps Our Planet Every DAY, Every MINUTE, and Every SECOND
Episodes: 1
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History is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think.
Episodes: 5
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