List of Podcasts
HR 2 - Prophetic voices to America, Contending for the faith in our generation for the next generation
Episodes: 1
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HR 1 - Rundown on yesterday's election and what it could possibly mean, Transgender wins big seat in Virginia
Episodes: 1
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HR1 - GUMBO Friday Discussion on sarcasm, VP Pence signs to break tie to put funding for Planned Parenthood back in the states hands
Episodes: 1
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HR 3 - The realness of marriage, how marriage sanctify us as believers, Candy lady, Ice Cream Man and childhood memories, New report says US now has lowest birthrate ever
Episodes: 1
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HR2 - Watch night service or Nah, Franklin Graham doing a Vegan diet
Episodes: 1
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HR 2 - More details on the massacre in Las Vegas and the need for Christians to share Jesus, The human emergency
Episodes: 1
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HR 2 - Reflecting on July 4th, Andy Stanley's interview with Dr. Michael Brown on his statement for the Church to unhitch from the Old Testament
Episodes: 1
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HR 2 - Homeless web designer begs for people to receive his resume and it goes viral, Magazine give readers 15 ways to prepare for abortion
Episodes: 1
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HR 3 - Church security, knowing who you are in fellowship with, Importance of salvation beyond church attendance
Episodes: 1
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HR 2 - The adventure of raking leaves, littering and what are phone books, Having integrity as believers by not compromising
Episodes: 1
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HR1 - GUMBO Friday Kenyan Sanitation company makes charcoal bricketts out of human feces
Episodes: 1
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HR1 - Reading the Word of God, Qualifications of Elders and Bishops, Homes of Pastors being in order
Episodes: 1
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