Financial First Aid

COVID-19 has much of the world adjusting to a new reality: sheltered at and communicating from home. Although many of us have lived through other historic disruptions, our college students have no comparable point of reference. They were barely walking on 9/11 and learning to ride two-wheelers when the economy collapsed in 2008. So, it’s not surprising that our students are reaching out for help, and not just with the coursework they’re struggling to complete remotely. They’re asking us for advice on household financial matters that directly impact their lives. It is with all that in mind that she and I set out to script and record a short series of podcasts for our students at the Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers University and beyond. We used WebEx for the videography and subcontracted the post-production and media work.

Financial First Aid

Latest episodes of the podcast Financial First Aid