Our mission is to love our neighbors and see them raised to life in Christ. Join us Sundays at 9:15 and 11:00am in Fairfax, VA and online at fairfax.cc/live.
Latest episodes of the podcast Fairfax Church Podcast
- Honored by the King
- For Such a Time as This
- Esther Becomes Queen
- A Message of Renewal
- Overcoming Fear with Courage
- Overcoming Fear with Obedience
- Overcoming Fear with Acceptance
- Overcoming Fear with Faith
- Then the Lord Spoke
- Where Can Wisdom Be Found?
- I Know That My Redeemer Lives
- If A Man Dies, Shall He Live Again?
- Miserable Comforters
- When Life Falls Apart
- Restoring Broken Signposts: Power
- Restoring Broken Signposts: Truth
- Restoring Broken Signposts: Freedom
- Restoring Broken Signposts: Beauty
- Restoring Broken Signposts: Spirituality
- Restoring Broken Signposts: Love
- Restoring Broken Signposts: Justice
- Drawing Near to God
- The Power of Words
- Visible Faith
- The Book of James: James 1
- At The Movies: Spiderman No Way Home
- At The Movies: Encanto
- At The Movies: Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret.
- At The Movies: Everything Everywhere All At Once
- At The Movies - Top Gun: Maverick
- What Story Do You Believe You’re Living In?
- Active Faith
- A Legacy of Generosity
- Generous Joy
- The Illusion of Uncertainty
- Generosity
- Mother’s Day Service
- Belonging to the Light
- A Life Pleasing to God
- Living Worthy of the Gospel
- The Holy Way of Life
- Resurrections and Earthquakes
- Breaking Down the Walls of Religion
- The Kingdom of God is Near
- When Having The Right Answer is not Enough
- A Weird Path to Happiness
- Trusting God When Things Look Hopeless
- The Joy and Agony of Being Led by the Spirit
- Core Values: Serve
- Who Are You Discipling?
- Christ’s Love Compels Us
- A Prayer of Confession and Repentance
- A Prayer of Lament and Confusion
- A Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving
- Make a Memory
- New Year, Same Me, More God
- Christmas Eve at Fairfax
- Finding Our Way Home
- A Revival of Justice
- No More Despair
- Saved From Getting Even
- The Absurdity of Grace
- The Redeeming Power of Friendship
- The Destructiveness of Envy
- Unexpected Victories and Uncommon Courage
- The Very Strange Choices of God
- Lost Donkeys and an Anointed King
- The Ark is No One’s Trophy
- A Prayer That Changed the Future
- Redeeming the Ordinary
- A Person of Noble Character
- Unexpected Grace
- When Life Gets Bitter
- Overcoming the World
- How God’s Love Transforms Us
- Activating Our Love
- The Unique Characteristics of God’s Children
- Moving Past the Lies That Destroy Us
- Our Complicated Relationship With the World
- Love Compelled by the Light
- A Light in the Darkness
- Pursuing Wholeness
- The Armor of God
- Mutual Submission
- Old Life, New Life
- One in Christ
- Our Works, God’s Workmanship
- The God Who Sees
- Our Faith, Gods Faithfulness
- The Kingdom of God
- The Resurrection
- Gathered at the Cross
- Peter’s Denial
- The Struggle in the Garden
- The Last Supper
- The Wedding Banquet
- The Triumphal Entry
- Join the Parade!
- When I Just Can’t Anymore
- The Practice of Freedom