Jesus 2024: Our Only Hope Pt. 3 “When Hope is Scarce” Titus 2:13: Romans 15:13

Jesus 2024: Our Only Hope Pt. 3 “When Hope is Scarce” Titus 2:13: Romans 15:13

FABIC Sermons

22/09/2024 10:30AM

Episode Synopsis "Jesus 2024: Our Only Hope Pt. 3 “When Hope is Scarce” Titus 2:13: Romans 15:13"

These days, hope seems to be in short supply. Our real hope is in the coming of the Lord Jesus. But what do we do while we wait and how do we hang on? Join us as we unfold the secret of faithful discipleship.

Listen "Jesus 2024: Our Only Hope Pt. 3 “When Hope is Scarce” Titus 2:13: Romans 15:13"

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