Emergence News

We are part of the volunteer network of Share International dedicated to spreading the information about the presence in the world of Maitreya the world teacher and a group of highly evolved men who are called the Masters of Wisdom. With Maitreya at their head these 'elder brothers' are returning to the everyday world at these challenging times to help, inspire, teach and guide humanity to create a new era of Sharing, Right Relationship, Justice and Peace for all people. The topics we cover are first and foremost the gradual emergence of Maitreya onto the world stage along with his priorities and teachings, focussing on the radical changes and action needed, particularly in the economic, political and social arenas. We share the signs and miracles that herald this event, including Star Sightings, Crosses of Light, Maitreya's Hand, Healing Waters and many other indications that inform us that something momentous is afoot. We are a team of four people. Peter, John, Nigel and Shafia who came into this work via Transmission Meditation a service meditation given to the world by Benjamin Crèmes master to help with the present transition into the Age of Aquarius. You can contact us via email - For worldwide information go to www.share-international.org For New Zealand nationwide www.share-international-nz.info Broadcasts fortnightly on Monday at 9:30am and repeated the following Saturday at 10:30pm

Emergence News

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