Episode Synopsis "New Structural and Functional Models of Kidney Care and Reimbursement"
New trends structural and functional models of kidney care and reimbursement.
Listen "New Structural and Functional Models of Kidney Care and Reimbursement"
More episodes of the podcast Eighth RI Symposium
- Welcome & Introduction
- Overview/Goals of the Symposium
- Disruptions in Healthcare
- New Structural and Functional Models of Kidney Care and Reimbursement
- The Future for Nephrologists and Nephrology
- The Role of Nursing in Nephrology’s Future
- Artificial Intelligence in the Prevention and Better Treatment of Kidney Disease
- New Treatments – Stem Cells in the Repair and Replacement of Injured Kidneys
- Doing More with Less
- Behavioral Health: Nephrology’s Next Frontier
- The Future of Nephrology from the Patient’s Perspective
- Panel: Speakers and Audience Q&A
- Symposium Program