Episode Synopsis "Episode 6: James Madison and Paul Jennings"
Learn about James Madisons' relationship with his slave, Paul Jennings, and how he was crucial in assisting to shape of the United States.
Listen "Episode 6: James Madison and Paul Jennings"
More episodes of the podcast Ear Tours- American History
- Episode 11: Zachary Taylor, Old Rough and Ready
- Episode 10: John Tyler
- Episode 9:James Monroe
- Episode 8: Colonial Sayings 1
- Episode 7: George and Martha Washington
- Episode 6: James Madison and Paul Jennings
- Episode 5: James Madison and the Consitutional Convention
- Episode 4: James Madison and Family
- Episode 3: Thomas Jefferson and Family
- E2U: Jefferson, the Louisiana Purchase, and the Haitian Revolution
- Episode1U: Thomas Jefferson and the Barbary Pirates