Episode Synopsis "A Vampire, A Troll, and an Indie Filmmaker Walk Into a Morning Show…at Night!"
For the first “morning talk show” segment of the Count N’Scuffles Show, Drahoon and Scufflemöss shoot the breeze with Ben Johnson about Curse of the Weredeer, Lizzo, and solid investment advice! Patreon.com/Drahoon watch.troma.com Like us on Facebook.com/countdrahoon Twitch: CountDrahoonTv @countdrahoon on Insta and Twitter Follow Scufflemöss on IG and Twitter @scufflemoss and @wüdenboi https://www.facebook.com/Scufflemossfruendclub https://bandcamp.com/wudenboi... Continue Reading →
Listen "A Vampire, A Troll, and an Indie Filmmaker Walk Into a Morning Show…at Night!"
More episodes of the podcast Count Drahoon's Feature of Fright
- Infinite Christmas Horror!
- Let’s Have A Renfield Day!
- Drac’s On A Boat! (Plus Seven Deadly Sins)
- The Count N’Scuffles Show Live From Instagram
- The Pink Stuff
- Hail To The Queen!
- Murfreesbearo
- The Count N’Scuffles Show (with Ben Johnson, Part Two)
- A Vampire, A Troll, and an Indie Filmmaker Walk Into a Morning Show…at Night!
- A Knockoff Barbenheimer Reboot