various audio files I can't find anywhere else so I posted them here for those who might find them of value. More links at
Latest episodes of the podcast colin thompson's Podcast
- Leave, Follow, Stay, Continue.
- God's Ways or our Ways.
- Reconciliation Christs ministry, the ministry of all His disciples.
- Entrevista o Entierro. Aficionados o Seguidores. Las Consecuencias del Arrepentimiento.
- The Father/Master and child/servants
- Shepherd Teachers
- The Power of prophecy
- God's Eternal Purpose - The Church
- Best Friends with Jesus Christ
- Running the race with the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Jesus washing our feet
- The meaning of the Ashes of the Red Heifer.
- The Meaning of the Lord's Supper
- El Camino Estrecho
- The Narrow Way
- Llamando en el nombre de Jesús
- Calling Out on The name of Jesus.
- Interview or Internment. Fans or Followers.
- El primer Mensaje del Reino de Dios y el Nombre de Jesucristo.
- The First Message of the Kingdom of God and the Name of Jesus Christ.
- Part 4 of Betty Greenhalgh's - Memories of Stannington Children's Hospital School. Covering period from 1968 to 1983
- Part 3 of Betty Greenhalgh's - Memories of Stannington Children's Hospital School.
- Betty Greenhalgh - Memories of Stannington Childrens Hospital part 2
- Betty Greenhalgh - Memories of Stannington Childrens Hospital