Bridge South Bay

Our mission is to glorify God by showing the life-transforming message of the Kingdom to the community, building healthy families, and developing fully devoted followers of Jesus. We draw people to the love of Jesus through encouragement, serving our community, and growing healthy families. Connect - Building relationships with other people throughout the week Serve - Volunteering time to support our church and our community Grow - Spending time with God every day, praying, and reading the Word Give - Honoring God with our resources, activating His ministry in our city Our church is a member of the Foursquare Church (, which is a Pentecostal Christian denomination. It's a worldwide movement that includes over 5 million members and over 50,000 churches. We have a passion to introduce Jesus Christ—the Savior, the Healer, the Holy Spirit Baptizer, and the Soon-Coming King—to every person, in every nation, in every culture.

Bridge South Bay

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