Beginner's Durga Puja

Swami Satyananda Saraswati of DeviMandir provided these free audio classes explaining his Beginner's Durga Puja book (also available as iPad App named 'Durga Puja') About this Podcast: Swamiji will take us through an ancient system of worship for Her, with complete instructions on what to do, when, and why. These are two sessions with each session ending on Questions and Answers from online viewers during the Live event occured at 6 pm from Sep 12th to Sep 13th 2013. You can hear Shree Maa interjecting occasianally adding more humor and wisdom. About the Book/App: This is the place to start if you want to understand the worship of the Divine Mother! This Durga Puja is an introduction to worship of Goddess Durga, She Who Removes All Difficulties. Shree Maa explains that when we worship Mother Durga, and repeat Her mantra, our egotism and attitude of possessiveness (“I” and “mine”) dissolve into bliss of Divine Union. When we open to Durga’s infinite grace, She can fill our world completely. It includes original Sanskrit, Roman transliteration, and English translation For more info about this book, please visit For HD quality videos of these Podcasts, please visit

Beginner's Durga Puja

Latest episodes of the podcast Beginner's Durga Puja