Here you will find both previous and current recordings from Classes given by Rabbi Ari Bensoussan from his years teaching in Israel to his classes in LA. These are deep and life changing classes that will teach and challenge you in a fun and awesome way.. welcome to Awesome Torah!
Latest episodes of the podcast Awesome Torah with Rabbi Ari Bensoussan
- Shemoneh Esrei Series- 4- Slach Lanu- Forgiveness
- Parshat Shlach- 6/1/2021- Long wormy tongues & Putting the Peh before the Ayin
- Shemoneh Esrei Series-3 - Teshuva in Tefilla part 2 - Harotzeh B’teshuva
- Shemoneh Esrei Series- 2 - Teshuva in Tefilla part 1
- Shemoneh Esrei Series - 1- Give me Wisdom!
- Juggle with Me! juggler & the King episode 1
- Awesome Torah with Rabbi Ari Bensoussan (Trailer)